Lloyd has gone into town to pick up dinner......I feel like writing but have no idea what so this will be ramblings about anything and everything I think of........
Lloyd and I have started planning our trip for January...the trip the children don't know about yet :) We've been planning it for months now but all of a sudden it seems more real......
Lloyds been talking about working in Dubai for a while.....that would be a fun experience.....I'd want to get organized and get our citizenship here first though. He's also talking about travelling to work for IW.....which could mean a few months in BC or Ont.......its exciting to think we could be travelling a fair bit over the next couple of years.....but if we don't then I'm happy here.
If you were offered $1.8 million for your home would you sell? Even if you knew it would mean the new buyer was going to tear it down and build 6 houses on top of it? We were talking about that yesterday...Lloyd says with that money we could buy more land and build the perfect house and barns and pool etc etc but it would break my heart to see 6 houses built here and our home gone......I love this house.
Tomorrow is my Moms birthday. She's 65 but its a secret ;) I'll phone her in the morning....which is her late afternoon.......she's 7 hours ahead....
I forgot to say we met my friend A, her DH and their twin girls at the Devonian yesterday....A is from Croatia...I love her accent. Their girls were in Kindergarten with Susannah....
I have been in the mood for spring cleaning for the last couple of days....I've thrown quite a bit out and I washed all the downstairs windows inside and out today...I got through all the laundry too - a mountain of it.......each time the children get in the pool they grab ANOTHER clean towel from the linen closet......I just wanted to get the house tidy while Lloyd was home to watch Sam......I haven't done any housework really the whole time Lloyd has been home.....in fact I haven't even changed one diaper the whole week......so tomorrow was going to be a bit of a shock if I didn't get some things done today! And we have people here most days this week so it needed to be tidied at least a bit......the wooden floors are coated in grass from where the kids run in and out to the pool all day...and most if it is stuck to the sticky mess from melted ice cram that seems to be everywhere......I like my house CLEAN and TIDY so this last week has been odd but kind of like a holiday from normal :)
In fact I have an urge to throw something else out so I am going to grab a garbage sack and not stop until it's full :) Last night I decluttered all the magazines...we seem to have baskets of magazines everywhere so I decided that we don't need magazines dating back to 2002 and OUT THEY WENT!!!!
Sam just woke up...have to go......
2 hours ago