1. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
2. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment letting them know they've been tagged and to ask them to play along and to read your blog.
What I was doing 10 years ago - 1998
1 - I had been married to my first husband Nigel for 7 years
2 - I had three children. Chris was 5, 4, Laurie was 2 and Susannah was 3 months old.
3 - I was living in Stockport Cheshire, near Manchester
4 - I was officially homeschooling Chris and attending homeschooling workshops and groups weekly with the Manchester group as well as LLL groups monthly with the same group!
5 - I was meeting my wonderful friends Lianne and Julie weekly at least for coffee at each others houses (Oh I miss them both so much!!!)
Five things on my to-do list today
1 - have dinner in a little while
2 - take the clothes out of the tumble dryer and put the next load in
3 - put my purse in my handbag so I don't forget it tomorrow
4 - finish my chocolate milk
5 - cuddle Lloyd for the evening! (Lol it's Sunday - not much 'to do!)
Snacks I enjoy
1 - weetabix
2 - toast with marmite
3 - banana
4 - cheerios
5 - oatmeal raw with applesauce
Things I would do if I were a billionaire
1 - pay off all debts for us and our families
2 - get all the renovations done NOW and move out until they are all done.
3 - get Lloyd his Ferrari AND his Lamborghini
4 - Travel
Five of my bad habits
1 - bad temper
2 - bad language
3 - laziness
4 - I obsess too much and then lose interest
5 - I hate being told what to do!
Five places I have lived
1 - Edinburgh, Scotland
2 - Epsom, Surrey
3 - Yeovil, Somerset
4 - Sherwood Park, AB
5 - Stockport, Cheshire
Five jobs I've had
1 - Psychiatric Nurse
2 - Counselor
3 - Sales Assistant - card store and lingerie store
4 - Homeschooling Mom
5 - teaching preschool (voluntary work)
Tag five people - Tara, Val, Susan, Monica, Jennifer, (and Monica - I have done your 7 thing but its in a note book upstairs so will type it out tomorrow!)
7 hours ago