Its been an eventful day......this morning Susannah made her rice Krispies squares and she has now started a recipe journal.....she is writing it herself so that it is easy for her to follow the instructions whenever she wants to make one of her favourite recipes.....so this is LA, Math and Science :)
The rest of the morning was spent pottering about, talking to the children...playing with Sam and his bricks....slowly waking up........
After lunch I drove out to Tofield to see Chrystals new farm..... they got the keys TODAY :) I was originally going to help clean and strip wallpaper...but because they got the keys later than expected, I simply helped with some of the unpacking.......after we unpacked the kitchen, Chrystal and I went for a walk around the farm......
Oh my, it is just BEAUTIFUL out there...............old trees suitable for climbing or tyre swings...........meadows filled with flowers and sooooomany butterflies it was unreal! It's very Prairie-like out that way.................I took quite a few pictures of the land and their gorgeous dog and back at the house I took some family group shots by this old cartwheel they have by the trees............they came out so nicely................I can't wait to hear how Chrystal likes them........I'm not going to post any of the family pictures here but the pictures added are of the farm.........
It was my first attempt at photographing children I don't really know........and they were tired and fed up from moving stress and sleepovers so probably not in the mood for posing for the camera but the pictures came out fine :) It was great practice and something nice for them to keep to remember their first day at their new home.............
I drove home the rural road way rather than the highway and it was just beautiful...you go from Prairie landscapes to rolling hills with beaver ponds everywhere...to the landscape I recognise from here.........
It was a nice afternoon for me...I was child free and the weather was gorgeous....I stopped off several times to take pictures along the way.
We had my amazing savoury potato wedges with a cheese salad for dinner.................Lloyd stopped off to pick Laurie up from his friends but he wasn't there!!!! The house was open and the tv was on but no one was home so he left a note on the door and came home for dinner........it meant that we had to drive back into town this evening to get Laurie....we're home now and we picked up coffee so that was fine :) And once the children are in bed we are going out on our quads again :)
I am tired this evening but its been a great day....
Chrystal if you read this....you have yourselves a beautiful home...I hope you will be as happy as we are in ours :)