7 hours ago
Mar 22, 2008
When the bees arrive.....
This is kind of neat to watch as it shows what happens when your package of bees arrives....how to get them into the hive and how to settle your Queen...
Anyway...I thought some of you might be interested to see what happens and what is involved....
Lloyd is still keen for me to get my hive this year but I'm not sure.....I think he may call them on Tuesday to see if we still have time to order them this year......I guess I really should get my act together and go chat up my neighbours - I have to notify all neighbours whose land touches mine and tell them I'm going to have a hive......I'm sure they won't mind unless they have a bee allergy in the family.....I know Mary is an avid gardener so perhaps she will be thrilled to have bees to help her plants....everyone else though I'm not so sure. I plan to print out some facts on bees to let them now what bees are really like - so many people get the confused with wasps.....I need to get a permit from the county too and need to register with Alberta but that can be done with the people we're ordering from so thats easy.....apart from that we just order......
Hhhmmmmm what to do...what to do??????
Easter Saturday
Thursday night Susannah slept at her friend Melissa's house. Friday night Laurie slept at his friends house in town....he sleeps there a lot. We picked him up at lunchtime today. Then this afternoon Chris's friends Andrew and Emma called and asked if he wanted to head into town and sleep over tonight. TONIGHT!!!!!! WAH!!!! So for the first time EVER he won't be here for the early morning Easter egg hunt this year :(
Sigh :( He says he's growing up and I have to face it :( sigh.......
But I told him we'll pick him up late morning and in the afternoon we're going to have a proper egg hunt outside with the plastic eggs....I said I thought it was too wet but Lloyd says we can stick our welly boots on and go for it - so we're going to fill some plastic eggs tonight and hide them tomorrow in the back field and woods and if we get muddy we get muddy :) it comes from having an early Easter :)
This morning Lloyd and I went into town to pick Laurie up from his sleepover - Lloyd went to Home depot - he has renovated the downstairs bathroom this week - ripped out the shower and is putting in a new wash basin...has put in a new toilet and is putting in a new mirror, painting etc etc and we are putting linoleum throughout the mudroom, repainting etc etc and putting doors on the cupboards etc - we don't liek the terracotta tiles - they just aren't ideal in the mudroom even though you'd think they would be.
While he was in HD he dropped me at Superstore to get a few groceries for tomorrow - fresh vegetables etc I bought myself a new swimsuit as my old one is too big (woohoo) I was disappointed in the clothes in there though - I didn't really like anything they had.....I did find a new garbage can for the downstairs washroom though - in the 'seafoam' colour to match the new handtowels I got for in there. I'm going to paint the walls a 'sand' colour and all the accessories are going to be a watery turquoisey colour.....the toilet, sink and mirror/ cabinet are all white.
Came home and made chocolate crispy 'nests' with mini eggs in them.....the children had a pack of 'peeps' each (marshmallow chicks) I made some mini sausage rolls and a big rhubarb crumble for tonight (which is NOT like a 'crisp')
The girls have made some shrinky-dinks which we baked in the oven and they made into necklaces :) Lloyd was very impressed - I can't believe he never made those as a child - poor deprived child!
Sprite Zero is DISGUSTING!!!!!! I'm going to have to add a LOT of wine to it to make it taste good! Sigh.......
The well out by the vegetable garden is working again - this time last week it was still frozen - now the hose is working which is great because the dogs are back in their run and this means the hose can be used to fill their water tubs.
Our giant pumpkins need to repotted again! They are taking over our house!!!! It's worrying! They are HUGE!!!!
I think we are watching American Gangster or whatever it's called tonight! Lloyd had it for his birthday and we still haven't watched it! His new favourite movie is Enchanted and we've watched it three times already this week :) He's such a girl :) I love that he loves that movie :) I think he was disappointed that Giselle doesn't speak like a Disney princess in real life. I tried to talk like one for him for a day - I lasted all of five minutes...it's hard to swear in a sweet voice. I can say 'Oh my' until the cows come home but then 'fuck' slips out and it kind of spoils the effect. I think Lloyds dream woman would dress like Giselle and talk like her too. I fail miserably BUT at least I don't clean the toilet with his tooth brush either! And I think singing to him constantly would piss him off after a couple of days :)
Only two days left with Lloyd at home :( Oh my :(
Sigh :( He says he's growing up and I have to face it :( sigh.......
But I told him we'll pick him up late morning and in the afternoon we're going to have a proper egg hunt outside with the plastic eggs....I said I thought it was too wet but Lloyd says we can stick our welly boots on and go for it - so we're going to fill some plastic eggs tonight and hide them tomorrow in the back field and woods and if we get muddy we get muddy :) it comes from having an early Easter :)
This morning Lloyd and I went into town to pick Laurie up from his sleepover - Lloyd went to Home depot - he has renovated the downstairs bathroom this week - ripped out the shower and is putting in a new wash basin...has put in a new toilet and is putting in a new mirror, painting etc etc and we are putting linoleum throughout the mudroom, repainting etc etc and putting doors on the cupboards etc - we don't liek the terracotta tiles - they just aren't ideal in the mudroom even though you'd think they would be.
While he was in HD he dropped me at Superstore to get a few groceries for tomorrow - fresh vegetables etc I bought myself a new swimsuit as my old one is too big (woohoo) I was disappointed in the clothes in there though - I didn't really like anything they had.....I did find a new garbage can for the downstairs washroom though - in the 'seafoam' colour to match the new handtowels I got for in there. I'm going to paint the walls a 'sand' colour and all the accessories are going to be a watery turquoisey colour.....the toilet, sink and mirror/ cabinet are all white.
Came home and made chocolate crispy 'nests' with mini eggs in them.....the children had a pack of 'peeps' each (marshmallow chicks) I made some mini sausage rolls and a big rhubarb crumble for tonight (which is NOT like a 'crisp')
The girls have made some shrinky-dinks which we baked in the oven and they made into necklaces :) Lloyd was very impressed - I can't believe he never made those as a child - poor deprived child!
Sprite Zero is DISGUSTING!!!!!! I'm going to have to add a LOT of wine to it to make it taste good! Sigh.......
The well out by the vegetable garden is working again - this time last week it was still frozen - now the hose is working which is great because the dogs are back in their run and this means the hose can be used to fill their water tubs.
Our giant pumpkins need to repotted again! They are taking over our house!!!! It's worrying! They are HUGE!!!!
I think we are watching American Gangster or whatever it's called tonight! Lloyd had it for his birthday and we still haven't watched it! His new favourite movie is Enchanted and we've watched it three times already this week :) He's such a girl :) I love that he loves that movie :) I think he was disappointed that Giselle doesn't speak like a Disney princess in real life. I tried to talk like one for him for a day - I lasted all of five minutes...it's hard to swear in a sweet voice. I can say 'Oh my' until the cows come home but then 'fuck' slips out and it kind of spoils the effect. I think Lloyds dream woman would dress like Giselle and talk like her too. I fail miserably BUT at least I don't clean the toilet with his tooth brush either! And I think singing to him constantly would piss him off after a couple of days :)
Only two days left with Lloyd at home :( Oh my :(
Love According To John
Cheryl - The children all enjoyed seeing Love According to John this week. They saw Thursdays performance! They all recognised a few people but weren't sure where from until I said where you were from ;) Susie said she recognised the person bathing Jesus' feet (??)
It sounds as though it was an amazing performance!
Bee book
Since Bee Movie was released, and since we are all a little obsessed with bees in this house generally, I thought I'd recommend this book! Although Bee Movie is a wonderful book, it is VERY inaccurate where bee's are concerned. If you would like your children to learn about bees and know the correct information, then this book (and the tv show that goes with the book) is a wonderful place to start!
Easter blooms..
Lloyd brought me home some tiny Narcissus today....as an Easter treat. I really miss all the Daffodils from back home - this time of year - in fact normally for weeks by now, gardens have been filled with Daffodils and Crocuses...and Snowdrops....
Here there is nothing.
So it's a real treat to have these teeny tiny signs of Springtime on my kitchen window for Easter :)
unfinished project...
Tag time...
And I tag everyone who reads this to do it on their blogs over the next few days :) and if you don't have a blog START a blog and make this your first post!
1.How do you most often wear your hair? down - blow dried straight.
2. What do you like better: Sledding or Swimming? Swimming
3.What is your favorite thing for breakfast? waffles from Chateau Whistler
4.Lunch? I'm not often hungry at lunchtime
5.Supper? Something from Joey Tomatoes - maybe their salmon with golden beets
6. Is one of your siblings married? both are.
7.Have you ever been on a rollercoaster? yes
8.Do you like to wear Hoodies? sometimes
9.Have you ever seen an ocean? yes, quite a few times. The North Sea, both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, The Gulf of Mexico, The Pacific Ocean, The English Channel, The Irish Sea,
10. Where would you rather go: England or Australia? England probably although I'd like to go to Steve Irwin's Zoo.....apart from that though I've never found Australia appealing at ALL........New Zealand looks LOVELY though!
11.Tell me something about you that I don’t know? I have a birthmark on my leg that only shows up in summer when I tan.
12.Do you want to get married someday? not again. I married the right one this time ;)
13.How many TV’s are in your house? 4
14.What’s your favorite hymn? We plough the fields and scatter
15.Which one would you rather learn to play: Guitar, Banjo, Piano or Violin? piano
16.How tall are you? 4′11"
17.What is the prettiest thing you have ever seen? This world is full of so many beautiful things.......
18.Describe where you live and what it looks like: pretty little cape cod style home....right now it needs work.....scenery is fairly brown right now...splashes of white from snow.....trees are bare....we have a lovely little porch out front where I love to sit in Summer and watch the Hummingbirds feed. I love it here in Summer, the scenery transforms!
19.How many bedrooms is in your house? 5
20.How many rooms are in your house? 16 at the moment
21.What’s in your basement? for another month its just a bedroom, storage area, furnace room, games area and tv room
22.Do you keep your room clean all the time or is it a mess? most of the time its tidy.....sometimes it gets a mess.
23.Is your room cluttered or empty or neither? mostly uncluttered - if the clutter starts to build I unclutter it!
24.Do you wish you could have your own room? Hell no - I would hate to not share it with Lloyd.
25.What do you do for fun with your siblings? They live the other side of the atlantic so its a bit difficult to do anything with them. They read my blog and I get the odd email from them....
26.Do you get mad easily? depends on the time of the month.
27.Do you cry a lot? only at movies
28.Do you like tuna? yes
29.How many mosquito bites do you have on you? none now - only in summer
30.Do you like talking on the phone? no
31.Would you rather hang out with a group of girls, boys or mix? I like to hang out with Lloyd.
32.Is your mother pregnant right now? No. OMG can you imagine?????
33.Would you rather go back to the Oregon trail or the Cherokee Indian trail of tears? Oregon Trail
34.Are you part anything?(Like, Indian,.Irish, and so on)??? I'm British...
35.Do you prefer to Email or write letters? E-mail and write letters - I LOVE to get letters in the mail :)
36. Do you like going to weddings? no
37.What was the last wedding you attended? mine
38.How many aunts and uncles do you have? can't remember
39.Are you mad at one of your siblings right now? No.
40.If you got in trouble and you were given a choice for punishment which would you choose: Not seeing any friends for a month or no
computer for a month? no computer - I'd love to get rid of the computer all together but Lloyd won't.
41.How many times have you gotten in trouble? I got stopped for speeding last year and got sent to court but was given an invalid court date because the policeman didn't really want to send me to court (it was a speed trap) so I got let off. I don't speed. I've never liked speeding - I don't approve of speeding.....
42. When was the last time you went out of town? It's been ages! October when we went to BC! OMG I need a holiday!!!!
43.Do you like to play inside or outside better? outside
44.Do you like to listen to music? in the car.
45.How tall would you want to be if you could choose? I like my height - it's never held me back from anything :)
46.Do you want to have a big wedding when you’re older or a small one? I wanted to get married here at home........
47.An inside wedding or an outside? I would have liked to get married in a gazebo here at home.
48. What is your favorite DVD? depends on my mood - I have so many favourites that it depends on what mood I'm in :) we have hundreds of dvd's so I can pick and choose :)
49. When your older do you want to live in the country or city? I LOVE living in the country
50. How many penpals do you have??? several but I'm crap at staying in touch these days !
51.What is your favorite saying that you’ve made up? I don't make things up - geez Im 36 lol!
52.Which Janette Oke book is better: “They called her Mrs. Doc” or “Julias last hope”??? never heard of her
53.What boy name do you hate? Wayne
54.Girl name? anything too modern
55.Do you say “shut up” or “Be quiet”??? sssshhhh
56.If you could have only one of the following for yourself which would you choose: A computer, a Cell phone, An Ipod, or a TV??? def computer I'd prefer none
57.Which kind of car do you like better: Dodge Vipor, Lexus, or Mustang? Lexus
58.What kind of things make you mad?when nothing goes right.
59.What kind of things make you happy? having lloyd at home
60.What kind of things make you cry? movies
61.Do you speak your mind? sometimes - especially online
62.Do you prefer to talk to old people (Over 60) or people your age? I don't mind people of any age....
63.What is one of your bad habits? taking things out on those closest to me.
64.What do you find more interesting: A Encyclopedia or a dictionary? encyclopedia
65.What is your favorite scene from a movie? right now its probably the scene in central park from Enchanted.
66.What is your favorite ENDING to a book? the ending from The Girls by Lori Lansen...she wrote about how a reader feels to reach the end of a book.
67.What would you rather do, climb Everest or spend winter at the south pole? South Pole - I'd rescue all those poor penguins and bring them home with me!
68.Where do you normally read? in the bath and Lloyd often brings me a cup of tea and keeps me company for while :)
69.Do you have a desk in your room? no but I'm looking for the perfect little writing table on which to also have my sewing machine
70.Who is a better singer: Michae Buble or Harry Connick Jnr? Michael Buble
71.Do you make and sign FB’s? ??? WHAT IS A FB ????
72.What annoys you? people who make really bad life choices and then don't learn from their mistakes....
73.Are you Brave? sometimes
74. Are you smart? sometimes
75. DO you have good handwriting? Lloyd thinks so
76. Do you like to fish? only when I catch something!
77.Do you run often? I did - need to get back into it - I haven't run for a couple of months - since my migraines got out of control again
78.Do you like Iced Tea? no. I don't like sweet drinks...but I like proper tea with no sugar...
79. You don’t have to be their best friend, but who is YOUR best friend? Lloyd
80. What TV show do you like better: “Americas got talent” or ‘American Idol” or neither. I don't watch junk like that on tv.
81. What do you prefer: Mystery Books or Romance Books? neither I read decent fiction ;)
82.Which of the following fruits do you like the best:: Peaches, Apples, Watermelon, Bananas, Or Oranges? peaches
83.What is your favorite vegetable? golden beets - but I love ALL vegetables Mmmmmmm
84.What’s your favorite junk food? not sure.....
85.Do you prefer to watch TV or go on the Comp? computer...I'm not big on watching tv although I will watch a movie with DH...
86. How many brothers do you have and how chaotic is it? I always wanted a big brother.
87. Does anyone in your family have black hair? My Dad has dark hair - not sure if it would be classed as black....
88.How ’bout red? no
89.Do you like to dance? I would like to take dance classes with DH - still working on him lol!
90.Can you sing? not well
91. If you could go to one of these countries for a month, which one would you go to: Australia, China, Africa, or Europe? China
92.What is your Dad’s job? My Dads job is to sit in front of soccer matches and review them. He has to sit in front of about three a day. Unfortunately he rarely finds a good one and tends to fall asleep in front of them.
93.Do you go to work? nope. I'm a lazy arse who sits and does nothing all day (picture me rolling my eyes now!!!
94. Do you like Soccer or football better? neither (sorry Dad)
95.Do you think this quiz is dumb? its LONG!!!
96.Do you think it’s annoyingly long? hhahahaha yep!
97.Do I annoy you? hahahahhaha yep!!
98.Does this quiz have everything?probably not!
99.Do you want it to end? yes
100.Are you glad it’s over? Well it’s not! Ha Ha. Very Funny.
101. Which would you rather be: A waitress, A teacher, A writer, A Sports player or a Artist? I am a teacher, I am an artist, I am a writer...so I would like to try and be a waitress for a little bit -0 I thin I'd like the social side of that job!
102.If someone told you that you’re fat what would you do: Start to cry, Walk away, stick your tongue out, or slap him? prob make a comment and then walk away
103.If you say a guy lots bigger then you picking on a little kid would you: Go get your big brother, Ignore him, tell him to knock it off, or pound on him? tell him to knock it off
104.If someone told you that you’re ugly would you: Cry, Tell him he’s not exactly good looking himself, or punch him? comment back to him
105. Do you prefer dark colors or light? jewel tones
106. Which March girl from little woman are you more like (Don’t answer Jo if you really aren’t like her ) :Meg, Jo, Beth or Amy? can’t remember them much
107. If someone asked you to play in a movie would you say yes? yes
108. What exactly do you want to be when your older? healthy, wealthy and wise :)
109. Who thinks this quiz is long enough? me
110.Who wants more and gets it??? the rich
111.Did you ever in your life want to be a firefighter? yes
112.How many pairs of shoes do you have?maybe 6
113.How many shirts do you have? no idea
114.How many pairs of pants do you have? no idea
115.How many skirts do you have? about 3
116.Do you sew? yes
117.Do you talk in your sleep? no
118.Do you sing in your sleep? no
119.Do you snore?yes
120.How many friends do you have? a few
121. Are you closer to your dad or your mom?My Mom talks longer on the phone...my Dad emails more......
122.Do you prefer talking to your dad about sports and such,or talking to your Mom about sewing, cooking, babies, marriage…the likes?? it's not like that.....
123. Which would you rather do: Sing a song in front of a thousand people or write a novel and try to get it published? novel
124. Do you prefer Hot weather or cold weather (Don’t say warm weather!) hot
125. What is your favorite site to have fun on? mine
126.What is your favorite blog? mine
127. Do you blog? Yes
128. Do you prefer the phone, messenger, letters, texting, or all? letters
129. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? no
130.Have you ever thrown a surprise party for someone? no
131. Do you laugh a lot? yes - every day
132.Do you smile a lot? yes every day
133. DO you cry a lot? no
134.Have you ever cried in front of other people besides your family? I think only at my friend Kirstys funeral
135. Do you like to be annoying? Depends on who to. :)
136. Do you have a older sister? two - they are REALLY old ;)
137.If so, do you get along? kind of
138.How do you sign your letters? Bws (Best wishes, Jane)
139. Have you been complimented lately? yes
140. Do you get teased a lot? What for? My family tease me lots.
141. Have you ever built a snow fort? not lately - snow here is too powdery and by Spring I am sick of it.
142. What is your favorite thing to do in the winter-but this time give more details…...snow shoe, roast marshmallows by the fire outside, sledding, go to ice on Whyte, take photographs of snowflakes
143. Is there a lot of shouting in your house normally? no
142. How quiet-or loud- is your house right now? fairly quiet
143. What are you wearing right now? brown jeans, black top
144.Have you ever cut someone’s hair? Yes.
155. Have you ever colored your hair? yes
156. Do you have a tattoo? no,
157.Any piercing? ears are pierced,
158. When was the last time you went to the zoo? January 6th for Sams 3rd birthday
159. Have you ever had more then 20 people at your house? yes for an Easter party a couple of years ago - we had about 50 people here for a big Easter egg hunt.
160. Name all the holidays you can think of without asking anybody or looking at the calendar. New Years, valentines, Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday St. Patrick's Day, Good Friday, Easter, Canada Day, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas Cheerios addict would be good at this!
161.favorite kind of toothpaste? the one in the blue funny shaped pot with the glittery squares in it.
162.Have you ever written a story? yes
163.Have you ever gotten anything published? yes
164.What is your favorite kind of bread? french
165.Does your Mom work? retired
166.Have you ever had a sleepover with more then 2 people? yes.
167.Have you ever slept in a tent? yes…
168.Have you ever driven a tractor,or at least steered one? Yes - a couple of weeks ago!
169. How messy is your room right now? not messy
170. Do you go shopping a lot? not too often
171.About how many shirts do you have? quite a few
172.Skirts, dresses or jeans? jeans
173.Do you have a lot of jewelry? no
174. Do you have a dog? two golden retrievers
175. Do you have neighbors within a 1/2 mile of your house? I think so....I'm not good with distances
176. Do you have a tree fort? not yet
177. Do you dry your hair after you shower? yes
178.Do you eat fish? yes..
179. Have you ever played PS2? yes YUCK
180. Do you fall for things easily? sometimes
181. How much self-control do you have? not much
182. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes
183. Do you own a horse? No.
184. Do you own cows? No
185. What color are the walls of your room? right now white :(
186.Is your room full of junk? no - its decluttered
187. Do you like garlic? yes
188. Do you have a nickname for yourself? no
189.Do you keep a diary? yes
190. Are you close to your Mom? as close as living across the atlantic allows
191. Do you own a American girl doll? No.
192. Have you ever gotten lost? not really
193. Has anyone in your family gotten lost? Yeeesss….
194. What color is your toothbrush? grey-ey blue
195. What do you do for Christmas? lots of traditions and a quiet day at home.
196. Do you like country music? some
197. In what position do you sleep? flat on my back
198. Have you ever sung yourself to sleep? no that is so weird.
199. Do you like tuna? yes
200.Have you ever been slapped? as a child
201. Have you ever slapped someone? yes
202. What is your favorite uncommon girl name? Soleil :)
203. Uncommon boys name? Laurence
204.Be honest; How many times a day do you pray? I don't pray but I do make wishes and to me thats kind of the same thing ;)
205. Do you, or did you ever, believe in fairies? I do :) isn't that what dragonflies are?
206. Do you still play “Simon Says”? no
207. What’s your favorite kind of pie? apple
208. Do you live on a farm? acreage
209. How many ways of growing up is there? ???????
210. how many time a week do you go in the shower? some days I bath, some days I shower
211. How many times have you seen a movie in the theaters? I’m old…can’t count that far back
212. What do you do to relax? read, soak in the bath, curl up with a movie and my DH.
213. Have you ever gone strawberry picking? yes, LOTS!
214. Do you believe in the “Once saved always saved”? Uh???????Isn't that like a Catholic hypocrisy crap thing? Like they can sin all they like and will be forgiven???? sounds like crapola to me!
215. Do you like getting your picture taken? depends on the end results.
216. Have you ever won a race of any kind? Yes,
217. Have you ever helped butcher a deer? no YUCK
218. Are you afraid of anything? spiders
219. What’s you favorite country song? no idea
220. Who’s your favorite country singer? no idea
221. Do you like the snow?not for months and months
222. How old are you? 36
223. Do you wear glasses of any sort? no
224.What’s your favorite topping on pizza? chicken
225. Were you ever spoiled? I still am
226. Who do you think is the richest man in the world? Riches come in many forms.....
227. What is something that you will never forget as long as you live? walking out of the airport in Florida last year - into the thunderstorm......the humidity and heat...it was like being in a rainforest. Amazing!
228. How do you spend your weekends? Saturdays - running errands, getting brunch out or coffee out. Sunday we ususally stay home and do something as a family...have a fire outside or watch a movie...play a game etc..
229. Out of the following, Which do you think is the better game: Simon says, Mother May I, Red light Green light, Or Red Rover? simon says
230. Have you ever been on a hay ride? yes, many times
231. Do you talk to yourself? yes…
232. Do you consider cheerleading a sport? yes. these days
234. Can you identify this song: ” I guess it’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you; It’s what you leave behind you when you go.”??? no
235. Do you have a sign on your bedroom door? No.but I do have a lock ;)
236. Do you sing in the shower? no
237. How long of a shower do you take? 15 or 20 minutes - not very environmentally friendly but the guy who looks after our septic system for us says that our septic system runs so smoothly because we always have a lot of water running through it - I do a LOT of laundry and we have a lot of showers running each day so all the hot water going through keeps it from freezing up and keeps the grey water running through nicely :) So I don't feel too guilty :)
238. Do you consider yourself pretty?some days....
1.How do you most often wear your hair? down - blow dried straight.
2. What do you like better: Sledding or Swimming? Swimming
3.What is your favorite thing for breakfast? waffles from Chateau Whistler
4.Lunch? I'm not often hungry at lunchtime
5.Supper? Something from Joey Tomatoes - maybe their salmon with golden beets
6. Is one of your siblings married? both are.
7.Have you ever been on a rollercoaster? yes
8.Do you like to wear Hoodies? sometimes
9.Have you ever seen an ocean? yes, quite a few times. The North Sea, both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, The Gulf of Mexico, The Pacific Ocean, The English Channel, The Irish Sea,
10. Where would you rather go: England or Australia? England probably although I'd like to go to Steve Irwin's Zoo.....apart from that though I've never found Australia appealing at ALL........New Zealand looks LOVELY though!
11.Tell me something about you that I don’t know? I have a birthmark on my leg that only shows up in summer when I tan.
12.Do you want to get married someday? not again. I married the right one this time ;)
13.How many TV’s are in your house? 4
14.What’s your favorite hymn? We plough the fields and scatter
15.Which one would you rather learn to play: Guitar, Banjo, Piano or Violin? piano
16.How tall are you? 4′11"
17.What is the prettiest thing you have ever seen? This world is full of so many beautiful things.......
18.Describe where you live and what it looks like: pretty little cape cod style home....right now it needs work.....scenery is fairly brown right now...splashes of white from snow.....trees are bare....we have a lovely little porch out front where I love to sit in Summer and watch the Hummingbirds feed. I love it here in Summer, the scenery transforms!
19.How many bedrooms is in your house? 5
20.How many rooms are in your house? 16 at the moment
21.What’s in your basement? for another month its just a bedroom, storage area, furnace room, games area and tv room
22.Do you keep your room clean all the time or is it a mess? most of the time its tidy.....sometimes it gets a mess.
23.Is your room cluttered or empty or neither? mostly uncluttered - if the clutter starts to build I unclutter it!
24.Do you wish you could have your own room? Hell no - I would hate to not share it with Lloyd.
25.What do you do for fun with your siblings? They live the other side of the atlantic so its a bit difficult to do anything with them. They read my blog and I get the odd email from them....
26.Do you get mad easily? depends on the time of the month.
27.Do you cry a lot? only at movies
28.Do you like tuna? yes
29.How many mosquito bites do you have on you? none now - only in summer
30.Do you like talking on the phone? no
31.Would you rather hang out with a group of girls, boys or mix? I like to hang out with Lloyd.
32.Is your mother pregnant right now? No. OMG can you imagine?????
33.Would you rather go back to the Oregon trail or the Cherokee Indian trail of tears? Oregon Trail
34.Are you part anything?(Like, Indian,.Irish, and so on)??? I'm British...
35.Do you prefer to Email or write letters? E-mail and write letters - I LOVE to get letters in the mail :)
36. Do you like going to weddings? no
37.What was the last wedding you attended? mine
38.How many aunts and uncles do you have? can't remember
39.Are you mad at one of your siblings right now? No.
40.If you got in trouble and you were given a choice for punishment which would you choose: Not seeing any friends for a month or no
computer for a month? no computer - I'd love to get rid of the computer all together but Lloyd won't.
41.How many times have you gotten in trouble? I got stopped for speeding last year and got sent to court but was given an invalid court date because the policeman didn't really want to send me to court (it was a speed trap) so I got let off. I don't speed. I've never liked speeding - I don't approve of speeding.....
42. When was the last time you went out of town? It's been ages! October when we went to BC! OMG I need a holiday!!!!
43.Do you like to play inside or outside better? outside
44.Do you like to listen to music? in the car.
45.How tall would you want to be if you could choose? I like my height - it's never held me back from anything :)
46.Do you want to have a big wedding when you’re older or a small one? I wanted to get married here at home........
47.An inside wedding or an outside? I would have liked to get married in a gazebo here at home.
48. What is your favorite DVD? depends on my mood - I have so many favourites that it depends on what mood I'm in :) we have hundreds of dvd's so I can pick and choose :)
49. When your older do you want to live in the country or city? I LOVE living in the country
50. How many penpals do you have??? several but I'm crap at staying in touch these days !
51.What is your favorite saying that you’ve made up? I don't make things up - geez Im 36 lol!
52.Which Janette Oke book is better: “They called her Mrs. Doc” or “Julias last hope”??? never heard of her
53.What boy name do you hate? Wayne
54.Girl name? anything too modern
55.Do you say “shut up” or “Be quiet”??? sssshhhh
56.If you could have only one of the following for yourself which would you choose: A computer, a Cell phone, An Ipod, or a TV??? def computer I'd prefer none
57.Which kind of car do you like better: Dodge Vipor, Lexus, or Mustang? Lexus
58.What kind of things make you mad?when nothing goes right.
59.What kind of things make you happy? having lloyd at home
60.What kind of things make you cry? movies
61.Do you speak your mind? sometimes - especially online
62.Do you prefer to talk to old people (Over 60) or people your age? I don't mind people of any age....
63.What is one of your bad habits? taking things out on those closest to me.
64.What do you find more interesting: A Encyclopedia or a dictionary? encyclopedia
65.What is your favorite scene from a movie? right now its probably the scene in central park from Enchanted.
66.What is your favorite ENDING to a book? the ending from The Girls by Lori Lansen...she wrote about how a reader feels to reach the end of a book.
67.What would you rather do, climb Everest or spend winter at the south pole? South Pole - I'd rescue all those poor penguins and bring them home with me!
68.Where do you normally read? in the bath and Lloyd often brings me a cup of tea and keeps me company for while :)
69.Do you have a desk in your room? no but I'm looking for the perfect little writing table on which to also have my sewing machine
70.Who is a better singer: Michae Buble or Harry Connick Jnr? Michael Buble
71.Do you make and sign FB’s? ??? WHAT IS A FB ????
72.What annoys you? people who make really bad life choices and then don't learn from their mistakes....
73.Are you Brave? sometimes
74. Are you smart? sometimes
75. DO you have good handwriting? Lloyd thinks so
76. Do you like to fish? only when I catch something!
77.Do you run often? I did - need to get back into it - I haven't run for a couple of months - since my migraines got out of control again
78.Do you like Iced Tea? no. I don't like sweet drinks...but I like proper tea with no sugar...
79. You don’t have to be their best friend, but who is YOUR best friend? Lloyd
80. What TV show do you like better: “Americas got talent” or ‘American Idol” or neither. I don't watch junk like that on tv.
81. What do you prefer: Mystery Books or Romance Books? neither I read decent fiction ;)
82.Which of the following fruits do you like the best:: Peaches, Apples, Watermelon, Bananas, Or Oranges? peaches
83.What is your favorite vegetable? golden beets - but I love ALL vegetables Mmmmmmm
84.What’s your favorite junk food? not sure.....
85.Do you prefer to watch TV or go on the Comp? computer...I'm not big on watching tv although I will watch a movie with DH...
86. How many brothers do you have and how chaotic is it? I always wanted a big brother.
87. Does anyone in your family have black hair? My Dad has dark hair - not sure if it would be classed as black....
88.How ’bout red? no
89.Do you like to dance? I would like to take dance classes with DH - still working on him lol!
90.Can you sing? not well
91. If you could go to one of these countries for a month, which one would you go to: Australia, China, Africa, or Europe? China
92.What is your Dad’s job? My Dads job is to sit in front of soccer matches and review them. He has to sit in front of about three a day. Unfortunately he rarely finds a good one and tends to fall asleep in front of them.
93.Do you go to work? nope. I'm a lazy arse who sits and does nothing all day (picture me rolling my eyes now!!!
94. Do you like Soccer or football better? neither (sorry Dad)
95.Do you think this quiz is dumb? its LONG!!!
96.Do you think it’s annoyingly long? hhahahaha yep!
97.Do I annoy you? hahahahhaha yep!!
98.Does this quiz have everything?probably not!
99.Do you want it to end? yes
100.Are you glad it’s over? Well it’s not! Ha Ha. Very Funny.
101. Which would you rather be: A waitress, A teacher, A writer, A Sports player or a Artist? I am a teacher, I am an artist, I am a writer...so I would like to try and be a waitress for a little bit -0 I thin I'd like the social side of that job!
102.If someone told you that you’re fat what would you do: Start to cry, Walk away, stick your tongue out, or slap him? prob make a comment and then walk away
103.If you say a guy lots bigger then you picking on a little kid would you: Go get your big brother, Ignore him, tell him to knock it off, or pound on him? tell him to knock it off
104.If someone told you that you’re ugly would you: Cry, Tell him he’s not exactly good looking himself, or punch him? comment back to him
105. Do you prefer dark colors or light? jewel tones
106. Which March girl from little woman are you more like (Don’t answer Jo if you really aren’t like her ) :Meg, Jo, Beth or Amy? can’t remember them much
107. If someone asked you to play in a movie would you say yes? yes
108. What exactly do you want to be when your older? healthy, wealthy and wise :)
109. Who thinks this quiz is long enough? me
110.Who wants more and gets it??? the rich
111.Did you ever in your life want to be a firefighter? yes
112.How many pairs of shoes do you have?maybe 6
113.How many shirts do you have? no idea
114.How many pairs of pants do you have? no idea
115.How many skirts do you have? about 3
116.Do you sew? yes
117.Do you talk in your sleep? no
118.Do you sing in your sleep? no
119.Do you snore?yes
120.How many friends do you have? a few
121. Are you closer to your dad or your mom?My Mom talks longer on the phone...my Dad emails more......
122.Do you prefer talking to your dad about sports and such,or talking to your Mom about sewing, cooking, babies, marriage…the likes?? it's not like that.....
123. Which would you rather do: Sing a song in front of a thousand people or write a novel and try to get it published? novel
124. Do you prefer Hot weather or cold weather (Don’t say warm weather!) hot
125. What is your favorite site to have fun on? mine
126.What is your favorite blog? mine
127. Do you blog? Yes
128. Do you prefer the phone, messenger, letters, texting, or all? letters
129. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you? no
130.Have you ever thrown a surprise party for someone? no
131. Do you laugh a lot? yes - every day
132.Do you smile a lot? yes every day
133. DO you cry a lot? no
134.Have you ever cried in front of other people besides your family? I think only at my friend Kirstys funeral
135. Do you like to be annoying? Depends on who to. :)
136. Do you have a older sister? two - they are REALLY old ;)
137.If so, do you get along? kind of
138.How do you sign your letters? Bws (Best wishes, Jane)
139. Have you been complimented lately? yes
140. Do you get teased a lot? What for? My family tease me lots.
141. Have you ever built a snow fort? not lately - snow here is too powdery and by Spring I am sick of it.
142. What is your favorite thing to do in the winter-but this time give more details…...snow shoe, roast marshmallows by the fire outside, sledding, go to ice on Whyte, take photographs of snowflakes
143. Is there a lot of shouting in your house normally? no
142. How quiet-or loud- is your house right now? fairly quiet
143. What are you wearing right now? brown jeans, black top
144.Have you ever cut someone’s hair? Yes.
155. Have you ever colored your hair? yes
156. Do you have a tattoo? no,
157.Any piercing? ears are pierced,
158. When was the last time you went to the zoo? January 6th for Sams 3rd birthday
159. Have you ever had more then 20 people at your house? yes for an Easter party a couple of years ago - we had about 50 people here for a big Easter egg hunt.
160. Name all the holidays you can think of without asking anybody or looking at the calendar. New Years, valentines, Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday St. Patrick's Day, Good Friday, Easter, Canada Day, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas Cheerios addict would be good at this!
161.favorite kind of toothpaste? the one in the blue funny shaped pot with the glittery squares in it.
162.Have you ever written a story? yes
163.Have you ever gotten anything published? yes
164.What is your favorite kind of bread? french
165.Does your Mom work? retired
166.Have you ever had a sleepover with more then 2 people? yes.
167.Have you ever slept in a tent? yes…
168.Have you ever driven a tractor,or at least steered one? Yes - a couple of weeks ago!
169. How messy is your room right now? not messy
170. Do you go shopping a lot? not too often
171.About how many shirts do you have? quite a few
172.Skirts, dresses or jeans? jeans
173.Do you have a lot of jewelry? no
174. Do you have a dog? two golden retrievers
175. Do you have neighbors within a 1/2 mile of your house? I think so....I'm not good with distances
176. Do you have a tree fort? not yet
177. Do you dry your hair after you shower? yes
178.Do you eat fish? yes..
179. Have you ever played PS2? yes YUCK
180. Do you fall for things easily? sometimes
181. How much self-control do you have? not much
182. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes
183. Do you own a horse? No.
184. Do you own cows? No
185. What color are the walls of your room? right now white :(
186.Is your room full of junk? no - its decluttered
187. Do you like garlic? yes
188. Do you have a nickname for yourself? no
189.Do you keep a diary? yes
190. Are you close to your Mom? as close as living across the atlantic allows
191. Do you own a American girl doll? No.
192. Have you ever gotten lost? not really
193. Has anyone in your family gotten lost? Yeeesss….
194. What color is your toothbrush? grey-ey blue
195. What do you do for Christmas? lots of traditions and a quiet day at home.
196. Do you like country music? some
197. In what position do you sleep? flat on my back
198. Have you ever sung yourself to sleep? no that is so weird.
199. Do you like tuna? yes
200.Have you ever been slapped? as a child
201. Have you ever slapped someone? yes
202. What is your favorite uncommon girl name? Soleil :)
203. Uncommon boys name? Laurence
204.Be honest; How many times a day do you pray? I don't pray but I do make wishes and to me thats kind of the same thing ;)
205. Do you, or did you ever, believe in fairies? I do :) isn't that what dragonflies are?
206. Do you still play “Simon Says”? no
207. What’s your favorite kind of pie? apple
208. Do you live on a farm? acreage
209. How many ways of growing up is there? ???????
210. how many time a week do you go in the shower? some days I bath, some days I shower
211. How many times have you seen a movie in the theaters? I’m old…can’t count that far back
212. What do you do to relax? read, soak in the bath, curl up with a movie and my DH.
213. Have you ever gone strawberry picking? yes, LOTS!
214. Do you believe in the “Once saved always saved”? Uh???????Isn't that like a Catholic hypocrisy crap thing? Like they can sin all they like and will be forgiven???? sounds like crapola to me!
215. Do you like getting your picture taken? depends on the end results.
216. Have you ever won a race of any kind? Yes,
217. Have you ever helped butcher a deer? no YUCK
218. Are you afraid of anything? spiders
219. What’s you favorite country song? no idea
220. Who’s your favorite country singer? no idea
221. Do you like the snow?not for months and months
222. How old are you? 36
223. Do you wear glasses of any sort? no
224.What’s your favorite topping on pizza? chicken
225. Were you ever spoiled? I still am
226. Who do you think is the richest man in the world? Riches come in many forms.....
227. What is something that you will never forget as long as you live? walking out of the airport in Florida last year - into the thunderstorm......the humidity and heat...it was like being in a rainforest. Amazing!
228. How do you spend your weekends? Saturdays - running errands, getting brunch out or coffee out. Sunday we ususally stay home and do something as a family...have a fire outside or watch a movie...play a game etc..
229. Out of the following, Which do you think is the better game: Simon says, Mother May I, Red light Green light, Or Red Rover? simon says
230. Have you ever been on a hay ride? yes, many times
231. Do you talk to yourself? yes…
232. Do you consider cheerleading a sport? yes. these days
234. Can you identify this song: ” I guess it’s not what you take when you leave this world behind you; It’s what you leave behind you when you go.”??? no
235. Do you have a sign on your bedroom door? No.but I do have a lock ;)
236. Do you sing in the shower? no
237. How long of a shower do you take? 15 or 20 minutes - not very environmentally friendly but the guy who looks after our septic system for us says that our septic system runs so smoothly because we always have a lot of water running through it - I do a LOT of laundry and we have a lot of showers running each day so all the hot water going through keeps it from freezing up and keeps the grey water running through nicely :) So I don't feel too guilty :)
238. Do you consider yourself pretty?some days....
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