I spotted some of the Pilsbury Gingerbread dough in Stupidstore yesterday so I snapped some up and bought it - this time of year its a wonderful thing to keep in the fridge and bring out when the children are bored - instead of playdough they can use it to to play with and then bake and decorate the cookies and it smells so damn good in the house!!!! YUMMY!!!
I was busy talking to my Nephew on the phone while they were making the cookies so Lloyd took the pictures of them with the finished cookies and OF COURSE, men do NOT think......so he took the pictures in front of a sink of dishes......sigh........groan......so I have tried to crop them and edit them and blur the edges as best I can.......please when you take pictures try to look at what is in the background - I NOTICE what is in the background of pictures - are there houses? Rooftops??????? wires? clutter???? bags? cups?????? anything that can be moved or edited out????? MOVE or MOVE THE OBJECTS!!!! ;)
Love you Lloyd :)