11 hours ago
Dec 22, 2007
Bright Nights......
Tonight we made our annual trek to Bright Nights in Hawrelak park, Edmonton. WE have gone every year since we arrived here and Lloyd complains every year that they never change it lol - but there were a few new things this year AND they moved a few of the displays lol!
The whole of the park is filled with lit displays and you drive slowly around to admire them all.....it's $15 to get in and they accept donations for the food bank - we had a coupon to get a discount on entry so we made sure to take plenty for the food bank!
We always stop off at Tim Hortons on the way, and buy hot chocolates that the children drink as we drive around!
I love it :) I know they don't change it at all really but thats not the point.....it's festive and cheery and the children oooh and ahhhhh at all the lights and get excited about seeing the squirrel run through the trees! And I think Lloyd enjoys it really lol - he just likes to play the Grinch sometimes lol!
The end of Friday....
Our Friday ended with me speaking to my Sister for almost 2 hours (gulp!!!) and in the evening we all curled up and watched The Santa Clause 2...with the Christmas tree lights glowing, the fire flickering and the children eating candy canes :)
It was a nice start to the Christmas holidays....tonight we are off to Brightnights and then hope to watch a movie before bed :)
It was a nice start to the Christmas holidays....tonight we are off to Brightnights and then hope to watch a movie before bed :)
A surprise email from a friend!

This morning I woke up to an Email from my wonderful friend Lianne - we were good friends back in England when I was still with my Ex husband. We had children of similar ages and just tons in common and there was nothing I liked more than piling over to her house for coffee. We went to toddler groups together, indoor playgrounds, parks in the summer, to see Santa at Christmas....and we even went on holiday together - a week in a caravan (trailer) by the sea in North Wales.....and it was cold and very VERY windy - I swear the sides of the caravan were bending in......we went to a big indoor swimming pool by the beach and when we came out it was like being in a sandstorm!!!
I miss Lianne and her three boys soooo much! And now she has a gorgeous Daughter who I have never met (but I think I helped a little in her having her lol) and I just know Bethany and Abigail would get on so well!!
Anyway - when I moved house 2 years ago I decided to get back to letter writing (which is how Lianne and I first met) so I didn't give her my email address and we tried to write regularly but neither of us have been able to write regularly enough for our liking lol - so I sent her a Christmas card and my email address and today I was surprised by some emails and some pictures and it was just soooooooo great to hear from her!!!
When I left my Ex, Lloyd picked me up and drove me over to Liannes to say goodbye and to collect some things of mine Lloyd had given me that my Ex had threatened to destroy...and Lianne gave me a friendship necklace that has half of a charm on it - and she has a necklace with the other half of the charm...and thats the last time I saw her.
Lianne and I had another good friend, Julie...and we took it in turns to host coffee etc - sadly Julie died from cancer almost 5 years ago......I know this in my head....but because I live so far away it doesn't seem quite real - I picture everyone back home going about their business as they did the day I left.....so its all a bit odd really.
Anyway - needless to say it was lovely to get an email from Lianne and I can't believe how big her second son is - I have such a huge soft spot for Liannes Son Cameron. Oh I miss them all :(
And Michael, her oldest is at University studying psychology!!!!!! That seems impossible - he was just a boy when I saw him last!!! It's been 7 years!!!! OMG I haven't seen Lianne for 8 years!
Fun with gingerbread dough
Lloyds nuts!
Brandy butter...
My little Elf....
Two funny pictures of Sam from this morning - these are for my Mom and Dad. A parcel arrived from them yesterday (yes its here safely!!) In the parcel were some tights for Abigail but Sam fell in love with them and has worn them constantly since! They are far too big for him and so stripy that he looks like a little Elf :)
Thank you Mom and Dad - has my parcel arrived at your house yet? I so hope it arrives before Christmas as I posted it at the end of November!!!
Christmas cyclamen
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