Olympic Park....where the Olympics were held in 88...at the top you can see the ski jump 'thingies':

Calgary skyline from the zoo:

Calgary skyline from just off of Deerfoot Trail:

I really do NOT like Calgary.....you couldn't pay me enough to live there...................its a really unattractive city...the traffic is horrendous..............it is sooooo flat and grey and reminds me of DEDRIDGE!!! (Lynne you will know what I mean!!!)
Anyway, Calgary is crowded...geez how many people have moved there recently? The subdivisions just have no personality....and I can't believe how many accidents we saw in the short time we were there......
How on earth they can say that the quality of life there is one of the best in the world and that its a better place to live than Edmonton I have no idea....Edmonton even feels old compared to Calgary...Edmonton is such a pretty city and the traffic is nothing in Edmonton compared to Calgary......and it looks as though Calgary has just been 'plonked' there..........in the middle of....nothing....just flat boring land with no trees.....
Go north south East or west of Edmonton and you have beautiful rolling hills, trees, fields........countryside........it starts immediately.....but Calgary.....you have to go a LONG way before the scenery gets interesting or 'pretty'..........out past Cochrane...out past Bragg Creek..............not until the Foothills does it get 'attractive'..........
So uh yeah........I don't like Calgary...I don't enjoy going there.......the zoo was MUCH better than Edmontons but no better than the zoos back home.......Edinburgh zoo was great......as was Londons zoo of course...and Bristol.................so yes Calgarys zoo makes Edmontons look pitiful but isn't any better than a zoo back home................
So I keep telling Lloyd...DO NOT get a job in Calgary...unless you wanna commute from Canmore ;)
Sorry if you LOVE Calgary or its your home or whatever...but this is MY blog and MY thoughts and yep I hate Calgary lol!