Funny-ism 1:
Sam: You know Mom, Chris made me out of Lego, he built my legs and he built my body and he built me out of bricks and then I became real and thats how I became me.
Funny-ism 2:
Me: Sam don't pick your nose, use a tissue!
Sam: But I've got a bogie!! It's disgusting. I've got to get it out.........Oh its ok Its out now.....Its gone!
Me: Gone where?????? (panicked voice)
no answer....he walks off.......
Funny-ism 3:
We're in the laundry room. Lloyd is sat on the washing machine. I'm pulling our kingsize duvet out of the tumble dryer to see if its dry yet. Sam is swing on the door frame smiling......then he points to the door kick plate (?) and smiles at Daddy.....its MISSING!!!!!! The little buggers has UNSCREWED IT!!!!!! Llloyd bursts out laughing!!!! So we ask Sam where it is and he smiles and says he doesn't know......
So we say we need it because this is the main floor BATHROOM and you can't shut the door or lock the door without he says HE didn't do it anyway but MAYBE its behind the washing machine!!!!!!!!!! ;)
SURPRISE there it is!!!!
Sam has unscrewed the thing!!! He has found Daddy's screwdriver and unscrewed the kickplate from the doorframe!!! I already have all my drawer handles missing from the kitchen drawers because he has unscrewed all of those and now he has moved on to screwdrivers.....
And you know who Sam blames - he points at me and said "Mom it's YOUR fault because I did it because you wouldn't let me have any more candy!"
I blame the Father!!!!!
3 hours ago