Jul 1, 2006

Hose fun.......

Sam investigating the garden hose......cold water straight out of the well....bbrrrrrrrrr cold!!! But he loved it...the picture of his tantrum is because Chris was traying to take the hose from him. Oh my, the terrible twos have already started and he's not yet 18 months old!

Bribery and corruption......ah well ;)

Sam really didn't want his picture taken on the flag - in fact he covered his face......so we bribed him with a sucker and his sister ;)

Sadly as you can probably tell from Susannahs face in the pictures....she is feeling really unwell....this nasty cold has lingered for two weeks now but seems to be worse.....her eyes are so swollen...we thought it was allergies but allergy meds aren't helping and all three of the older children have this bug......so off to the doctors we go next week....

Chris is feeling so awful and looks terrible.....he wouldn't have his picture taken....and Laurie is at his friends - again! (so much for homeschooled kids not socialising hahahaha!)

Gull-y Gosh!!!

Two Ring Billed Gulls visited us this evening when we were outside BBQ'ing......we threw them some pieces of bread so they would stay for me to photograph....it didn't take long before more and more arrived and we had about 15 here in the end.......it was wonderful practice for taking fast moving shots and the children were fascinated by all the birds!!!

More festival pictures......

A few more pics of the Canada Day Festival today......
The fore hose thing at the firestation was very cool...literally!!! You could stand in the line of fire and get soaked to cool off......and the firemen were having fun spraying the crowds too.....Lloyd still doesn't want me to train as a firefighter.....I would LOVE to but I have to respect his feelings too.......I didn't get to hold the fire hose today :( but Susie and Laurie did.

And life goes on.......

Lloyd decided he HAD to pull down the barn TODAY!!!! So he started with the hay loft type thingy at the side of the barn...he tied it to the truck and pulled it apart! Too funny! So now we have half the barn hanging off.....but we have the bin coming this week so we need to demolish the barn and throw it away!

How sad

On the way to the Canada Day festival we had to be diverted because we couldn't get up Hwy 21. There had been an accident. We had to drive right up to the accident site to get around and it was chaos. There was a motorcycle lying in the road, police cars, ambulance.......and they were gathered around a body in the road.......but not much was being done.....it didn't look good...but we were hoping we would find out that the man had been ok......sadly on the news tonight it said he was killed instantly.

The children were all in the car and have been asking questions. They saw the man there quite clearly and know he died. I'm sure they will have a lot of questions over the next few days.

Seeing death so close makes you appreciate life so much.....we have had a wonderful day out as a family and been able to enjoy making wonderful memories for another Canada Day...but some families today won't be so lucky. I feel very fortunate.

I drive past the scene of that accident most days. My thoughts will be with the bikers family when I do in the future.

Festival time

Where has the last year gone???? It seems to have gone so fast...just a year ago my parents were here to spend Canada Day with us...it was so great last year.......this year all the children are sick...Chris was so ill he couldn't go to the festival...and he was supposed to be working there for the museum!

Still, we took the younger four and managed to have fun! I lost count of all the people I ran into....the first people we saw were Sh and J and their beautiful two girls...even tiny baby A had a Canada Day tattoo on her face!!! Very sweet :)

The children quickly managed to spend their pocket money....and had fun making crafts in the various areas etc etc......they loved the petting zoo as usual and the farmers market.

We brought home 4 trees to plant in our yard...I got chatting with the man who gave them to me..... he's from Oxford but lived in Plymouth for a while and I recognised his SW accent :)

Laurie ran into his friends the twins and ended up going back to their house and now wants to sleep over......he may or we may pick him up after the bbq when we go back into town for the fireworks.....

Happy Birthday Canada

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

A new visitor to our yard....

This beautiful American Goldfinch is the latest newcomer to our yard.....isn't he stunning? He sat on the fire bowl for ages allowing me to take his picture.....and then sat in the little tree in the flower bed for ages even as I walked closer and closer taking photographs.....

Just gorgeous....I am constantly amazed at the vibrant colours of birdlife we get here at home......and feel so lucky to live here and appreciate them.
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