Today was the day of Abigail's Fancy nancy Tea Party at the library.....she has been crazy about Fancy Nancy for a while now and we have had tickets for the tea party since they were available in June. Today her and her friend 'J' headed off to the party in their dresses and hats/ tiaras....they made necklaces and bracelets, learned fancy words in French....learned fancy dances, had iced tea and cookies and had to drink with their pinkies up and basically spent the whole time being all fancy and French!! Abigail came home with two more Fancy Nancy books to borrow...
It was lovely to see the library filled with little girls all dressed up in pretty party dresses and hats!!! It isn't often these days that girls wear dresses like that - when I was little we always wore dresses like that to birthday parties - but these days girls tend to wear jeans or just anything to parties - party dresses tend to be a thing of the past! Or maybe a special thing for Christmas parties and very little girls!