S with Sam down by the pond

Sam walking with us

We saw plenty of bugs on our walk....

At the rear of our land..the whole of the left hand side is covered in raspberry bushes

Rosie in the wild flowers

Picking raspberries

Rosie shaking off water all over B

Fun in the pool

Sam on the trampoline

Rosies favourite game of fetch in the pond.

The clouds moved to the NW and missed us luckily...but it stormed in town.

throwing sticks for Rosie.
It's been a really nice morning.......after breakfast everyone wanted to play in the pool, so I played outside with Sam so I could keep an eye on everyone in the pool......I noticed that Rosie was playing with something in the grass...a frog! So I grabbed it quickly and we all looked at it and then we let it free into the pond.....
I was heading off to walk the dogs and the children asked if they could join me...so Laurie and his friends, Susie, Abby and Sam all came with me......we found the big ant hill and all watched the ants runnning in and out of their tunnels...we also found that the whole back of our property is COVERED in endless raspberry bushes....(wild???) so the kids had fun picking and eating all the ripe ones.....
We noticed all kinds of bugs and flowers on the walk.....I wished had my good camera with me instead of just my point and shoot.
We walked all around the back and then headed down to the pond where the kids had fun throwing sticks into the water for Rosie......
Back inside Susie asked to make some real lemonade...so she just made a big jug and is trying to get the others to try some....
It's almost 1pm and no one has asked for any lunch yet...I'm figuring the pancakes and raspberry feast filled everyone up......
I heard Lauries friends say 'I want to live on an acreage'......I guess thats a sign they are having fun here :)