It's Wednesday......hump was an ok day....
The weather is still gorgeous.....but have to say I am LOVING our air conditioning....what a difference it makes to life in the heat....It was 28c today and tomorrow is supposed to be would be unbearable to not have AC...I remember how miserable the nights were last summer when we couldn't sleep because of the heat....
Today we went to the splashpark......Abigail and Susie had fun......Sam liked it too.....I have a few pictures but didn't take my camera so they are all on my moms camera.....
We got home around 2:30pm....
Lloyd and I were due to meet with the architect and builder tonight but we got a phone call to postpone as the builders Father died. He's been ill for a while. I had been looking forward to an evening out so we decided to go ahead and go out for dinner anyway....we went into town to Joey Tomatoes and had a lovely meal. I had the Maple Glazed Salmon with Alfredo pasta, sugar snap peas and radishes (I have never had cooked radishes before...only it was a new vegetable to try!!! very sweet when they are cooked!)
After that we ran to the pet store and got the things we need for our new kitten.....
Then we drove home via Shadow Ridge and see what houses are up for sale and who has been doing what re landscaping etc...who is building where.....
Now we are home...sleepy and about to have a nice cup of tea :)