I've been thinking about these today.....I don't take new years resolutions too seriously but I do love the fresh start that a new year brings...I just wish it was in April or so when the weather was a little more supportive of activities! ;)
What are your plans for 2008? Your hopes? Your resolutions?
I want to become more involved in our little community here...I love the village atmosphere here which is very similar to the village I grew up in. We have the one village store, the village hair salon, the garage and the little cafe/ pizza restaurant...
The hall is the centre of the village social scene and so many things take place there...dances, brunch's, playgroups, dance classes, karate, yoga, movie nights....there is a senior centre next to the hall..we have Trail days in summer......
This year I volunteered in preschool, we attended the movie nights, and I helped to run the Christmas party......I've also been in touch with the community league and offered help with anything that needs to be done - they asked if I would be interested in helping with the community communication....so whether that will be helping with the newsletter or putting up posters or sending emails or whatever.....they said they would love the help and will get back to me after Christmas!
I would also like to volunteer at the senior centre....but I am not sure in what capacity...so I need to find out more about that.
Jilles told me on Sunday that the lady who organizes the collective kitchen has retired from the job and so the collective kitchen will no longer run....so maybe I should find out more about that.....
There are so few communities like this left - where everyone knows everyone else.....where things are so simple and so relaxed and friendly...I love that I'm know at the hall now...I have my own keys, I can go in at any time...that they know me in the store.....at movie nights etc etc and I want to get more involved in this way.....
So thats my plan for 08 :)
5 hours ago