Sep 10, 2011

Loving it :)


listening - a gentle hum of traffic occasionally in the distance...the occasional breeze in the and then coyotes howling in the field outside - some of them sound quite young.  Otherwise silence.

eating - I had a beet salad at Culina today.  It was amazing!  Not quite as amazing as their toast though that came with Sams soup!!  WOW!!!!!!  out of this world!!!

drinking - tea before I sleep :)

wearing - shorts and a black top.  Need to get ready for bed still.

feeling  - happy and content.  :)  

wanting - things to develop...see how things the story unfold...see if it does....if it doesn't it doesn't...but it's fun anyway :)  

needing - to go to sleep!!

thinking - about that last text message <3

enjoying - the northern lights tonight!!

wondering - how I got to be so lucky to have the life I have - I wouldn't swap it for anything - never a dull moment.  No one could ever call my life boring....and even with the few bad moments, they bring adventure and excitement to my life that I wouldn't change for anything.  I am so grateful for my life.

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