1. What is the latest piece of artwork you have purchased?The Kelly Rae Roberts collage - 'Believe in Possibility' from her recent 'originals' sale. I love her work!!
2. What's a recipe you have been dying to try, but haven't got around to it yet?bread in the bread maker (we've had it for 4 years and still have barely used it)!!!
3. Post a photo that is inspiring to you at the moment:
I have been trying to buy a jar and fill it with the perfect gumballs - the perfect gumballs are sugar free gumballs from Blockbusters - they are the perfect colours nd size BUT I finally found the perfect jar and then ended up having to use it for honey from the hive - so now I have to find another jar and the get the gumballs......I don't eat gum so I only want them to sit on the shelf and look pretty and inspiring for scrapbooking etc lol! Too funny!!!
4. What's something you have been enjoying as of late? Sitting out on the porch with Lloyd eating the egg toasties he makes me while watching the birds at the bird feeders.
5. What's something you would like to try? Sooooo many things from paragliding to sea kayaking.....and this year I am trying a swarm lure for the first time.....and we are trying companion planting for the first time too...so from the little things to the BIG things - I have many things I want to try in my life :)
6. What's something you're looking forward to in June? Getting the kayak out on the lake again!
7. Post a few of your own favourite shots from the last few days... just check out any of the zillion posts from my blog this month to see pictures ;)
8. What's something you've been thinking a lot about lately?How sad it is that some of those people in this world who are supposed to know me the best actually fail to understand me at all.
9. What was the last dream you had that you remember? Sam falling in to the septic tank :(
10. What is something you wish you could be doing right now?being hugged by Lloyd - but that will have to wait half an hour as he is on his way home form work.
11.When I was a child... I loved to swim....and never wanted to get out of the swimming pool - my parents couldn't swim so when they told me to get out of the pool I'd swim to the middle so they couldn't get me out. Now when it's time to get MY kids out and I am already out of the pool and dressed, MY kids often swim to the middle and refuse to get out :) It makes me laugh more often than not because it sooooo reminds me of me :)
12.I can't imagine my life without... the chaos of family life. As much as it drives me nuts, I can't imagine a quiet house or boring routine. I love the chaos and mess and noise that comes with a large family and not being organized. So long as Lloyd is with me I can cope with it all :)
13.If I could be anywhere, I'd be... anywhere with Lloyd and my kids :)
14.My least favorite chore is...cleaning the bathrooms
15.If I could be on any tv game or reality show, it would be...something like wife swap lol or a reality tv show about our family - following us for a year or somehting or other....
16.If a mystery package arrived on my doorstep, I'd hope it would be.....no clue...can't think of anything I want right now....
17.My guilty pleasure is...London Fog from Second Cup...Mmmmmmmm!!
18.I thought I would never...marry the boy next door lol - who would've thought I'd marry Lloyd Thorpe from Halves Lane!!! OMG!!!
19.If a genie granted me three wishes, I’d wish for... a long healthy life for my family and I so Lloyd and I can enjoy our retirement together and our Grandchildren, early retirement for Lloyd, one wish I'd like to keep to myself (definitely a secret).
If you read this, you're tagged!!!!