Lloyd and I are close to deaths door.....to others it may be just a bad cough...to us its triple quadruple pneumonia.....
Why am I always ill on days when its gorgeous outside? Most of today I have relaxed indoors. I feel quite pleased with what I've accomplished though. I have decluttered all of my scrapbooking supplies (well, two drawers to go) and have a huge box of supplies to donate to the school :) I feel cleansed.....
I've been hacking up 'stuff' all day, my head is throbbing and my chest hurts.....but I do feel cleansed lol.....
LOTS of garlic tonight....LOTS and tomorrow we will be all healthy again (PLEASE).
I know I shouldn't complain - its been a fun and busy week all in all. But really it would have been nice to have lots of energy today to go for a long walk. Although saying that poor little Sam couldn't have managed it either....he's still full of germs.
In fact its that little bugger that gave this to us - I swear he must lick every germ covered surface he sees and brings all those delightful cold viruses into this house...if it wasn't for the fact that he's useful for stealing the odd bottle of milk I'd have to consider offering him to Grace ;)
He is awfully cute though.....sigh....how come three year olds are cute even with snot hanging from their noses? This morning I saw wet spots on my lovely soft pillow. I asked Sam what it was.
"Oh thats just snot - I didn't want it".
"Use a tissue".
"Didn't want to".
Don't use my pillow".
"Wanted to". Poopy!" And off he walked. He calls everyone Poopy if he's fed up!
My worry is - what else does he use to wipe his nose when he doesn't want his snot any more and there are no tissues around??????????
23 hours ago