...well, not quite. Esso actually ;)
Val Emailed this morning and asked if we were busy - so I cleared my schedule and we headed out (yes I KNOW my rule last night about never leaving the house again until Spring didn't last long...but pancakes were calling so what could I do?????).
It was soooooo much fun at breakfast - I don't think we stopped laughing all morning! Embarrassment mostly! Val insisted on bringing these horrendous children named Abigail and Sam with her - oh my - their behaviour!!!! ;) The things they say!!!! The entire restaurant was silent except for us and I'm sure it was because they were all listening to us!!! And laughing at all the hilarious things we were talking about and giggling about!
Sam told the waitress that Grace always lets him go off in to the kitchen and get his own suckers so she told him not to change things and he should just go ahead and do as he always does - so he did and he showed her he knew where they were - and he came back with two....then a little later they came over with fortune cookies but Sam's didn't have a fortune so he complained and they came back with a new one which had a FAB new fortune in it for him :)
Anyway, I had a great time this morning - so glad I DID venture out into the cold :)
Thanks Val!!
6 hours ago