I like Wednesdays...Wednesday = date night!!!! Woohoo!
And today Christie is coming over for the afternoon which is always fun!
This morning......what did we do?
We warmed cinnamon twists in the oven for lunch :) sticky yummy cinnamon twists :) I keep a box in the freezer for days like today :)
Susie did a project on where she lives.....starting in th esolar system and working down to our house.......
Laurie did a project on the planets of our solar system......
Abigail worked on some word games using the words she learnt from her reading book last night.......she then did a jigsaw of the planets.....
Chris did a project on animal rights/ human rights........he also started a few things on tourism....
We cleaned the main floor....Susannah washed all the floors for me.....
I cleaned up after the dogs (exciting huh?????? and that wind was COLD!!!)
I got caught up on LP....responded to a few business inquiries........
I also got caught up on things at the HS group...........
Christie phoned to say she is on her way to WEM and then will be heading over here....its been AGES since she was over!!! That will be fun :) and this time she is bring her crew :) they haven't been here before as they were away all summer!
I sat in bed this morning and read the magazine that arrived yesterday The Old Schoolhouse...its an EXTREMELY religious magazine but it has some nice articles in it.....and the adverts are useful too!
The boys are wrestling on the kitchen floor (picture me rolling my eyes!!) they are wrestling mad atm, DS is even doing a research paper on it!!!
I just heard DS say 'Eh?' does that make him an official Canadian???
6 hours ago