I sat watching snow fall last night and this morning we woke up to snow on the roof top....the workmen can't work on the roof until this afternoon when it all melts and runs off as its just too slippery, so they are working on the back deck instead.
Denis was a fireman when he lived out East and he was telling me that there are companies that can remove the smoke smell from things - they have special machines/ rooms that you can put objects in and it literally sucks the smoke smell right out of your stuff - furniture of objects! I was wondering if there was anything of Taras that was saved - maybe from the garage even....that was just stinky from smoke.....I wonder if they have those companies here........I was out there chatting with him when I took their coffee out.
Tara has posted an update on her blog - please take the time to visit her at
www.cfmommy.blogspot.com and let her know you are thinking of her. She's having a very difficult time since her house fire (obviously!) and I'm sure she'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers!