So Wednesday afternoon was again kind of mellow and relaxed....the girls built a fort in their bedroom ready for when Susannahs friend comes over on Friday......she has a friend sleeping over Friday night and she is just soooooo excited.............so they built a fort to sleepin that night...........
What else? They decorated some badges with sharpies.......I bought a huge pack of white pin-on badges a couple of years ago and every so often they make them for clubs etc that they start...today the girls just decorated them with flowers and pictures............
Laurie did his pop quiz about Banff......comparing the height of the highest peak with the height of Everest etc etc.....finding out what 'theme' the roads in Banff are named after and finding three retsaurants online then finding a menu and deciding what he would choose.............amongst other things he had to look up.....population growth, average temperature in September etc......he had to use the Banff town website, Weather network, mapquest etc etc..........and google a LOT......
They got the chopstics out and all had a turn at eating jelly beans again....they love doing this to practice with their chopsticks..........I love that they are good with chopsticks for when we eat out....................
Chris.....he did some local research using the local newspapers.......he used the computer for a while....................did some reading....................played with the others upstairs for a while.............
I get my confirmation from the city facilities today for the workshops I booked the kids into so I organized the receipts etc from that............
Lloyd phoned to say he had a surprise for me :) He brought home The 40 year old Virgin on dvd :) and Pride and Prejudice too :) also some raspberries and ice cream to go with them :) so tonight we will curl up and watch the movies and eat ice cream and raspberries :)
Susie peeled all the potatoes for me while I made the filling for the cottage pie :) Lloyd brought home the sweetest little carrots too so we boiled those lightly and had those with the cottage pie.......everyone was so pleased to be having cottage pie again...its a favourite here but is definitely a winter meal....so we haven't had it for months!!!!!
I'm sure there are things I am forgetting but I am going to switch off now and go have a bath before I curl up and watch the movie.............Lloyd is bathing the younger two right now and the others are playing quietly down stairs...............it's been a wonderfully mellow day with everyone being happy and mellow and quietly pottering about doing their thang ;) but its date night and even though we aren't going out I wnat to be with Lloyd :)
Have a great night whatever you are doing! What ARE you all doing??????????????