Me with two tongues!!!

Susie pulling out Lauries tongue:

Laurie with a loooong tongue:

Susie and friend making Rice Krispies squares:

Its cold this weekend...I am sat here in my yoga pants all cozy and warm....roast beef is in the oven.................mmmmmmm......
Yesterday was the 4th Anniversary of our arrival in Canada....4 years.......thats gone incredibly fast........
Saturday morning Susannahs friends Mom came to collect her at 11am...before that the girls had had fun playing with the chickens, they made some Rice Krispies squares and then they set upa spa and salon in their room and invited me for a makeover.......they painted my toe nails (all different colours lol) and did my hair............
After Susies friend had left we had lunch and then drove up to the north end to drop the boys off at a birthday party....their homeschool friend had invited them to a bowling/ pizza party.......they had a GREAT time and came away with treat bags that had the coolest things in them......including a fake tongue that looks sooo real!! I will add piuctures of that later!
While the boys were at the party we took the younger three to the Telus World of Science for a few hours.......
Because we homeschool we are normally totally spoilt because we get to go to these cool places while the other kids are in school......the places are quiet and friendly and 'ours'...but of course a rainy Saturday meant the place was heaving and I have to say the kids that were there were just HORRIBLE...I couldn't believe how pushy and rude they all were and no parents seemed to be supervising at all................I was looking at the sun shining on the moon on a little table with Samn and these boys literally puished us out of the way and started spinning the moon round so fast with no consideration of us or the thing they were breaking................then Sammy leaned against a girl of about 8 while he was looking at the fish and she yelled at him nastily 'get off' geeez he's a baby and my children would have just said awwwww and helped him stand up if a strangers baby had leaned against them......there were other incidences too grr....
Anyway apart from the grotty 'other peoples kids', we had a lovely afternoon and I picked up lots of free poisters and stuff on Steve MacLeans travels up to the space station..................when I got home I emailed Nasa and the Canadian Space Agency and received a lovely long email from a man at NASA today................perfect for some space studies before our big trip :)
On the way home we picked up pizza for the rest of us (boys had already eaten) and came home and relaxed........we were in bed before 9:30!!!