I just got through cutting almost all of the gras at the front...its gorgeous weather and the children were on the trampoline etc so we were all outside enjoying the weather - I may get a paddling pool tonight.
Its date night tonight......Lloyd is on his way home...the childrens dinner is ready for them to have when they are hungry.....Sam is asleep on my big chair after being outside for much of the day (yes the mosquitoes are bad this year but they don't stop you doing anything......we still sunbathe, play outside, drink and eat outside...walk around and get on with life outside - this is for my Mum and Dad and sister who seem to think Canada is being taken over by killer bugs or something lol!)
So...farmers market, home depot and Wok Box....that seems to be our main plans for tonight - its more of an errand night than date night but its just the two of us....time together......and its still nice and fun and I'm looking forward to it :)
Oh and Val if you read this - it was great to see you this morning...thank you for completely ignoring my grouchy and difficult two year old! Thank you for ignoring my 6 year old when she announced loudly that it was time to go! I had fun as always despite the chaos my children created lol......oh and isn't Grace (our waitress) just so so wonderful - she is so great with the children which makes everything so much easier......and shockingly Sam wasn't high as a kite on sugar all day - he did just fine :) See you next week :)
Off to shower now and get ready to go out :)
Have a great evening everyone.
11 hours ago