Yesterday Lloyd and his Dad continued to work on the tree fort they've been building in the woods. Terry and I relaxed on the deck all day recovering from the day before :) Reading, chatting and enjoying the sunshine - it is SUCH a sun trap there :)
I was a little hung over from mixing my drinks the day before...wine and Becks don't really go together lol ;) So although we had planned to spend the day at Fort Edmonton, we all decided a relaxing day at home was called for!!
Laurence phoned and asked to sleep over at the twins for a third night! Chris asked me to drive him over to the school where he had arranged to meet a group of friends. His friend Darcy was directing a movie and Chris was Assistant Director.
Late afternoon we packed up the car and headed to Elk island Park for a drive. Went up to Astotin Lake and found there was no one there!!! I guess everyone was recovering from Canada Day!!! We went for a walk along the boardwalk - stopping for photographs, pond dipping - to watch the tadpoles (they are really late there - and still in tadpole form!!!!). We watched a squirrel in the wood for a while, sat by the playground for a while and the children played. Terry sat and wrote a postcard.
We drove through the bison trail to see the gophers and got some pictures of them, and on the way home came across a herd of bison in the middle of the road - with their babies. Very sweet!!!
Came home and had a BBQ with a nice salad and then we watched 'Don't Mess with the Zohan' which Terry and Chris hadn't seen!
Nice relaxing day.