9 hours ago
Apr 28, 2008
Another first tonight!!!!!
Before I go!!!! The frogs are awake!!!! They're croaking!!!! They want SEX!!!! They are horny!!!!! The frogs in our pond are making their calls for the first time this year tonight - they are calling for sex (this is what we tell the children lol)!!!!! hahahahahaha!!!
Our evening.....
We spent the evening outside enjoying the warm temperatures and the lovely sunny weather. The children were on the quads so Lloyd and I got on his (Laurie was on mine) and Sam was on with us and we went all up over the fields and it was lovely :) Back through all the woods and I had my camera with me so got some pictures of the girls going through the puddles left by the melting snow.
The quads need a good wash this weekend I think! But it was great fun!
Lloyd also spent some time getting the vegetable garden started - he ordered the topsoil today and he bought all the lumber for the raised beds yesterday. It should all be done by the weekend nd as we are covering all the plants with frost protection, we should be able to get them all planted out this weekend! We found a seller of polytunnels :)
Ok busy day tomorrow and things to do now so switching off and going up to bed! Goodnight all have a great evening and a great Tuesday!!!
Enjoying being outdoors again!
They're back!
Just run inside to share the news!
I have my first mosquito bite of the year!!!
The bastards are back! And they are BIG!!!!
I have my first mosquito bite of the year!!!
The bastards are back! And they are BIG!!!!
Egghead updates!!!!
What a difference a day makes :)
So - it was a crappy day yesterday - great day today :) still in pain but my I didn't let it get to me today :)
Lloyd took the day off of work and that cheered me up as always :)
The guys came to do some work here - it was the air conditioning guys that were here today so we now have the air conditioning unit moved out of the way for the new addition.
Lloyd phoned the Provincial Apiarist and got me registered with him. And he did some other phoning round for me (I have this aversion to phone calls lol)
We took Abigail to her drama class and then went to get some lunch. Got back from lunch and sat outside Festival PLace chatting with Sandy, one of the other homeschooling Moms and her DH (I'm assuming anyway lol) We were chatting about leaving Alberta and where to go and how...which seems to be a major topic amongst Albertans wherever you go these days.
Then we went to get my permit for my beehive. So I am all legal for the next year :)
Then we went to Costco and got groceries.
Then we drove to Millwoods and picked up the butterfly larvae that we ordered ages ago ready to study butterfly lifecycles. Very cool - and you can see pictures over on our homeschooling blog!
Came home and checked mail and found a gorgeous card from the wonderful Kendra over at Scrappers Haven! Inside was the cutest embellishment abou pigs ready to use ona layout about Charlie :) Thank you so much Kendra!
I switched on the computer and got the best news - Kendra won her group in the Iron Chef contest this week :) Congratulations Kendra! Thats wonderful - and well deserved because your pieces this time were amazing!!!! That altered notebook was WOW!!!!!!
I was having such a funny conversation with a guy on my beekeeping forum last night - a guy in Texas was saying how my house looks like something from a Stephen King novel hahahahahahha!!! I thought that was hilarious :) He posted pictures of himself barbecuing and adding a certain kind of fuel to the bbq from his butt OMG you would never guess the things they discuss on a beekeeping forum! But then I guess you ahve to be slightly insance to want to keep bees hahahahahaha!!
Came home and then Lloyd went to get Chris from his drama rehearsal. I unloaded the groceries and tidied everything away and cleaned up the kitchen etc etc....threw in some laundry and all the boring stuff.....read up on the butterflies....
Lloyd just bbq'ed a pizza for the kids and is now doing a steak for me. The children are playing outside and eating ice creams as it is 19c outside!!!! :) so glad the good weather is back :)
Susie is very happy today. They have run out of her book from the book order so have reordered it - so they gave her a FREE High School Musical book to apologise!!!! - so she is happy - and she got yet another birthday party invite for next weekend. swimming in town. So she is happy.
OMG Lloyd is cooking potatoes on the bbq and it smells like Palmers chippy back home - I want fish and chips from the chippy!!! The REAL chippy not the fake stuff they sell here that they THINK tastes like British fish and chips but really doesn't lol.... I want the smell and the taste and the feel and OMG I can smell it and I want to taste it!!! Lol!
Which is funny because when I lived there I probably only went once a year! I don't think I ever went when I lived in Scotland! I guess when you know you CAN'T have it it's always different lol!
Still Lloyds spuds on the bbq smell GORGEOUS :) and the steak :) MMmmmmm nice bit of cows bum :) or whatever bit of cow it is :) we always tell the kids its cow bum lol!
Lloyd spoils me :) I sit here blogging and he brings me chocolate milk, plonks it in front of me and says 'drink this'! Then he goes back to cooking my dinner :) I wish he stayed home every day :) I love having him home :) Poor guy would probably die of exhaustion if he stayed home lol! He probably goes to work for the rest ;)
I love you Lloyd!!! I'll make you a nice cup of tea later baby :)
Laptop time...
Our butterflies arrived!
Today we went to collect our butterfly larvae - we are going to study life cycles this Spring - not just butterflies but the bees in our very own beehive (you can see those on our bee blog via our profile if you like). We ordered a butterfly lifecycle kit and today was the day we went to collect them!!
The larvae are the teeny tiniest caterpillars we have ever seen!!!! They came with food for us to feed them. We will photograph their journey from caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly and post it here for you to enjoy :)
Our butterflies are Painted Ladies :)
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