After grocery shopping this evening, Lloyd and I drove home via the range roads again and took one of our favourite routes along a road that is edged on both sides by large ponds/ marshes and bullrushes. In amongst the marshes, on the drier area, Lloyd spotted something and stopped the car, reversed and told me to grab my iphone!!! He had spotted two moose lying down and relaxing in the sunshine! They were too far away to get a good picture and this was the only camera I had. I didn't want to get out of the car as I didn't want to disturb them - they looked so relaxed out there in the evening sun!
I hope you can make them out in the distance - two dark blobs lol! We haven't seen any moose on our own land for so long - we think the work on the house has kept them away!
Click on the picture to make it a little bigger.