I couldn't resist snapping a picture of this cute little girl at Cariwest today -she just looked so photogenic. I really love how this edit came out :)
2 hours ago
Do you like to read? Yes!! I don't read as much as I used to, but I do love to read - to get lost in a really good book! Or soak in the bath with a magazine!
Do you like to write? Yes!! I write every day - I love to art journal, and almost always add writing of some kind to each page. I am working on a YA novel write now too.
What do you like to do in Summer: I like being busy. I LOVE camping and road trips. I love planning days out and new places to visit - and generally creating as many wonderful memories for my children as possible. My favourite thing is when, at the end of the day, my children are exhausted and happy and dirty from having been out having fun all day - and I throw them in the bath or shower and then watch them fall asleep :)
Do you like to eat chips? occasionally I will crave a chip sandwich or my body will need salt and I will crave chips - but generally, no, I am not a fan of chips!!
What do you like to do in Winter: Really enjoyed cross country skiing last year - and want to do more this year! Walks and hikes on the warmer days. Shovelling snow and throwing it up in the air for Rosie to chase after! Taking photographs of the scenery. Ice on Whyte and other festivals.
Do you like to drink coffee? Yes :)
What do you like to do in Spring: splash in puddles, go on nature walks, eat outside on the deck and enjoy being outside before the arrival of the flies and mosquitoes ;) Welcome back the birds and watch out for geese. Go to the playgrounds again! Celebrate Easter - including going to the Prairie Gardens.
What do you like to do in Fall: Go to the Prairie Gardens festivals, carve pumpkins,decorate my home, sit in Starbucks with a pumpkin latte, go on nature walks and woodland walks, Wear boots and scarves. Eat pumpkin pie. Celebrate Gratefulness. Take the kids Trick or Treating.
Do you like to go to the Bowling alley: It's ok. The kids enjoy it, so I will go for them. I can think of things I would rather do, but it can be fun.
Do you like to drink pop? Lately I've been craving pepsi like crazy which is really unusual for me as I don't normally drink it!
Do you like to go to the movie theatre: Sometimes. It's fun if there is a movie I really want to see - and I love taking the kids as a surprise :)
Do you like to go out to dinner? Yes - I love it - whether with the kids, a date or a friend....trying new foods, the atmosphere, the chance to sit and chat....it's just fun. relaxing, sociable....a good opportunity to really get to know people with no distractions :)
Do you like to go out for long walks? VERY MUCH!!! Whether at the dog park or a more serious hike in the mountains. I love it. Thankfully most of my kids love it too - and Susannah especially really likes to hike - we have a few major hikes that we are planning to do together :)
Do you like to swim? Yes - so long as the water is not too cold, then I will happily stay in the pool for hours.
Do you like to shop? It depends. I'm not big in to shopping but now and then I will be in the mood to hit the stores. I actually prefer stores like Goodwill and Value Village. Michaels is nice too to stroll around. I have kids who love to shop though, so I will sometimes hang out at the mall with them :)