23 hours ago
Mar 3, 2010
Old bags!!!
A while ago Libby had a post about the contents of her handbag/ purse and I have planned to do a similar post ever since! As always I didn't get around to it. This morning Mel had another post about the same thing, and she has spurred me on to finally do mine! I think what put me off is that I really don't like my bag - I only have this bag because it is the only one I could find at the time that had a long strap. I like bags that I can wear diagonally across me when I'm in really busy malls and places. I don't want a stupid girly bag I have to hold in my hand and I don't want one with a stupid short handle that ends up with it stuck under my shoulder or constantly falling off my shoulder as I walk along with shopping bags in my hands. I want a bag that stays put! So this one has been ok despite not being attractive - and I keep looking for a bag I fall in love with that has the right strap but I just haven't found the right one.
I'm a fussy bugger with purses too (wallets to all you Canadians lol - but to me a bag is a handbag and a purse is what you put your money in - a wallet is what a MAN uses - lol. Yep, been here almost 8 years and thats one of the few things I haven't changed. I say diaper, garbage, cookie and pants, but a purse is a purse and a handbag is a handbag ;)
So, here is my handbag that is boring but works:
I'm a fussy bugger with purses too (wallets to all you Canadians lol - but to me a bag is a handbag and a purse is what you put your money in - a wallet is what a MAN uses - lol. Yep, been here almost 8 years and thats one of the few things I haven't changed. I say diaper, garbage, cookie and pants, but a purse is a purse and a handbag is a handbag ;)
So, here is my handbag that is boring but works:
and here are the contents of my bag:
A few things surprised me as I emptied my bag:
1.the amount of fortunes from fortune cookies (I blame Val!!)
2.I have rather a lot of 'lucky coins/ angels/ items that I keep in my bag for 'luck' even though I am not a superstitious person lol.
3. someone has buggered off with the headphones from ipod!!
4. I still have a christmas shopping list in my bag:
My purse (wallet) isn't attractive either BUT I am really fussy about my purse too and how it holds things - and this one is EXACTLY how I like them - so I didn't care what it looked like - I snapped it up because it was the right size and design and works for me:
I found even more fortune cookie fortunes tucked away inside my purse! These are from breakfast with Val hahahaha! :) I think I only keep the good ones :)
The pile on the lower bottom right I think I might stick in my junque journal and NOT put back in my purse - they are mainly business cards from friends / slips of paper with friends phone numbers on. I can put the numbers in my phone and then stick the cards in my journal. They take up a lot of room in my purse.
Oh and tucked in with my photographs I keep two little slips of paper:
The yellow slip was a little note that Lloyd tucked in with my lunch one day about 5 years ago when we were heading out to meet some friends at a local sports centre for the day. It's been in my purse ever since and I transferred it to my new purse with everything else.
The white piece of paper are the directions to Ihop (and I think continuing to Sea World) from when we were in Florida 3 years ago. Special memories :)
So there you go....an old bags bag ;)
Some days...
I keep getting distracted today. We have plans and I have to get ready BUT I keep getting distracted in between getting dressed - so I put on one thing and then get distracted and go off somewhere and do something - then come back and put on something else. Then distracted again. Put on something else......
I'm still missing my pants....
I love that I live in the country and don't have to worry about scaring my neighbours and having to pay for their therapy.
I'm still missing my pants....
I love that I live in the country and don't have to worry about scaring my neighbours and having to pay for their therapy.
Sams scarecrow puppet show..
Sam made this scarecrow and then put on a puppet show for us from behind the chair in my craft room.
Random Dozen
1. Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason? I've never really thought about it. Maybe even numbers - they're neater and easier to organize ;) Hahahaha!
2. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being "not at all" and 10 being Carly Simon-worthy, how vain are you? 6 Beauty-wise I'm not vain...but I don't like being wrong about things. I'm getting better as I get older because these days I don't care what others think of me - whereas when I was younger I did. So 4 for beauty and 6 for everything else. That said, I feel better within myself when I feel clean, tidy and smart etc - so don't slob out ever in scruffy clothes - I always do my hair even at home. But thats for me - not for anyone else. I can't function otherwise. I couldn't stay in pj's all day - that kind of thing.
3. Among these Irish stereotypes, with which do you identify most closely? Talkative, Proud, Inquisitive, Love to party, Hot-tempered
4. How lucky do you consider yourself? VERY
5. What is the subject of your favorite post that you've written? no clue - I've written so many - I love writing from Canmore and also about getting married - and also a few weeks ago about changing my name :)
6. Describe March weather where you live in three words. warmer /thaw/ snow (set that to repeat lol)
7. How apt are you at detecting blarney when you hear it? (Smooth talk, flattery) VERY and I've learned to be better at it over the last year - enough of the bullsh*t. I'm done!!
8. How "green" are you, environmentally speaking? I try - but fail dismally...and then sometimes I question it all anyway ;)
9. What is your favorite song this week? ' I Believe' - I still can't get it out of my head ;)
10. You are walking along and see a coin on the ground. What denomination does it have to be before you will stop to pick it up? I usually point it out to my children and let them pick it up - even pennies - because they are lucky!!!! Why turn away a penny??? If it's bigger than a penny I kick it to check it moves before bending to pick it up. In London there used to be a lot of coins glued to the ground as jokes so people look stupid trying to pick them up!!
11. Complete the sentence: "Every time I look outside my window I hope to see a goose flying by - when will we see the first ones arriving back??? When will we hear that wonderful first 'honk' of Spring???"
12. What was the #1 song on the day you were born? I'I'd like to teach the World to sing' by the New Seekers.
Dinner with friends...
Last night we went out for dinner with our good friends Val and James. We tried out a restaurant in town that we have driven by sooooo many times but have never eaten in - in fact my Son has eaten there but not me!!! We went to Vicky's - a European restaurant.
The food was LOVELY!!! I chose Alfredo el Greco (or something like that lol) and it was a spicy Alfredo sauce over pasta with chicken - DELICIOUS!!! It was the lightest pasta dish I've ever eaten!!! Alfredo is often sooo heavy!! For dessert I had a chocolate mousse which was also lovely and light and yummy! Val, James and Lloyd were all making "Mmmmmm", "delicious", "yum" noises and said their food was excellent!!
The decor in the restaurant was really nice - not over the top but really welcoming - the staff were really friendly and welcoming but left you alone - which I like! The bathrooms were immaculate and I couldn't BELIEVE the supplies they had in there - WOW!!! Lol - sometimes the little things really show that a business cares - right???
This restaurant goes above in beyond with their service - I can see why they have been running as long as they have!!
We'll definitely be back!!
It was a lovely evening - plenty of laughter - funny stories about James junior high gonches (sp??) and anorexic pigs (yes THOSE kind of stories ) and me trying to decide if it would be impolite to lick out my chocolate mousse bowl.......sigh.
Fun, fun, fun!!! :)
It's back...
One of the downsides of the lovely warm weather we are having, is the fog that has been around on soooo many mornings. I thought it had gone, because for the last week we've woken to gorgeous blue skies again - but this morning we've woken to this again!! Hopefully it will burn away and reveal our usual gorgeous Alberta blue skies!!
We're so used to big blue skies here that people find cloud and fog quite oppressive.
On a good note, with the windows open all day, all I can here is drip, drip, drip as the snow melts FAST!! In town a lot of the snow has gone - there are big areas of grass now - the central reservations etc and many areas near the highways are all grassy and snow free. There isn't enough now for ski-doos - you can see where they have been because you can see the grass! You can see our driveway as it's just ice really where it freezes at night!
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