As well as the spider on the porch, we have another house guest for the next week......SUGAR!!!!! Sugar is my friend Christies dog.....well, WE know she's a dog but Sugar doesn't seem to know she's a dog lol!
Christie and Rod are off on their adventures into the wilderness for a week...complete with dehydrated rations ziplocs filled with toilet tissue - oh and not forgetting Christies pee funnel (don't ask lol!) So their gorgeous dog Sugar has come to stay here for a few days.
So far so good - Christie brought her over just after lunch and she seems to have settled down fine - she sat with me by the fire pit for a while....went for a walk with the girls through the wood.....took an interest in the chickens...met Jasper (who hissed at her lol) and is now curled up asleep.
She's very white (hence the name Sugar lol) but we've noticed that our hands get white after stroking her - so now we're wondering how nuts Christie really is and are wondering if she painted her white!!!! :)