So I have been stuck at home since we got back yesterday at's so funny how being 'stuck' at home is soooo different to being at home through choice.......
I felt really sick all evening yesterday and most of the I am left with no appetite .....only now at 4pm feeling hungry at last. Laurie also felt ill yesterday and this morning.......
Sam had weird spots this morning that started on his abdomen and then he got them on his legs......they seem to be going now thankfully.........
Lloyd is going to be home later from work today so I am hoping he is home in time that we can salvage part of the evening by doing something........
We have been sat outside this afternoon.........the children have been having a big water fight with water balloons and guns, playing with bubbles, on the trampoline etc etc
Even though I had no appetite this morning I was bored, so while Susie was using her easy bake oven, I made fudge.....I used a recipe from the web as I can't find my tried and trusted recipe......but it didn't work right and instead I ended up with vanilla-raisin caramel squares....the kids love them :)
Lloyd just sent me the funniest email.......he'll probably kill me for posting this here (sorry Lloyd) he emailed me to say he needs to fart really badly but he's in the middle of a meeting and can't!!! Too funny!
Amber and Rosies breeder sent me pictures of her wedding day today...she looked so beautiful and happy! The most beautiful wedding on the beach in Maui. They seem like such a great couple!
I haven't done much today............thankfully tomorrow is supposed to be busy busy busy :) I just hope we are all well enough to enjoy it!
I had to cancel on Ch. for A Taste of Edmonton..........I guess I am just not meant to make it looked really good on Global this morning too.........