So Val and I finally caught up with each other today :) We met up for lunch at Esso which made a nice change but also seemed a little odd - lunch instead of breakfast and Wednesday instead of Thursday - and it was BUSY in there!!! It was fun though! I wasn't sure what to order but went with a toasted chicken sandwich. It was ok I guess.
Vals little guy ate my fries :)
It was funny because Val emailed me about meeting for lunch at 12pm and I had JUST put whitestrips on my teeth at 11:45!!! They have to stay on for 30 minutes lol so I had to say 12:30!!! And the stupid things are nasty slimey things that move around all the time....and then I was thinking well I don't really want to drink coffee as soon as I've whitened my teeth!!! lol! It seemed pointless but I wanted to see Val so we headed out anyway and I just didn't have coffee :)
Sam was happy to see always!!
Grace has a Son! You know I have no idea how old Grace is but for some reason I just figured she was too young to have children. Now really I supposed of course she isn't! Her parents are older as she talks about them which must mean she is old enough to have children but I have just never thought of her having children....she's GRACE!!!! She's Sams Grace! But today she was talking about her Son! He used to lick his mouth and make it sore the way Abigail does!
Ok well the children are home from school and I have to go into town with Chris to get his costume!
It was good to see you Val - good to catch up with things although I think almost every conversation went unfinished really :) Isn't that always the way....
Oh and it turns out Val was married to my ex for 17 years...and I never even knew ;)
5 hours ago