22 hours ago
Feb 3, 2010
Easy peach cobbler
Val made THIS Easy Peach Cobbler and gave us each a slice on Monday. It was soooooo delicious!! In fact I was so impressed that I went straight home and put some in the oven for dessert for my family!! I didn't have peaches, so I used tinned pineapple and it was equally yummy!!! A HUGE hit with my family!! We had ours with Birds English custard. It would be great with ice cream or whipped cream too. This is going to be a new family favourite and it really is sooooo easy - one tip though is to cook it MUCH longer than the recipe says!!!
We had oven roasted potatoes and chicken slow cooked in gravy in the crockpot, with brussel sprouts and yorkshire puddings for dinner:
Quick - get Val a drink!!!
I took Val over some caviar on Monday and she had a try :)
Hhmm going by her expression - and the fact she had a gulp of her coffee afterwards...would you guess she loved it or hated it???? ;) lol!
At least she didn't throw up in the sink like me ;)
(I just noticed that Abigail is continuing to crochet, oblivious, in the picture hahahaha And you can spy Vals very cute Grandson in the piccy)
We put some caviar aside for Vals husband James who was game for a laugh and tried some - he quite likes fishy foods though, so he wasn't that grossed out by it - or impressed either....but he did pull a funny face for the camera ;)
Not quite as funny as Vals though, I'm sure you'll agree ;)
A day at Vals....
On Monday Val and I were desperate....Val had been awake since 6:30am with her Grandson and was bored by 9am and desperate for company!! I had had no sleep and was grouchy! I was desperate to get out of the house so that I wouldn't be a complete witch all day - and so I wouldn't have to face chores all day while too tired and grumpy!
A perfect pair :)
I threw chicken in the crockpot, packed a bag of essentials and headed out to Vals for the day! the weather was bad - having snowed for days - and still snowing, but as Val could be considered a 'neighbour' in acreage terms, it is easy to get there and stress free as you don't even have to touch the highway - it's really just a couple of lanes/ back roads away!! I let her know when I was leaving so she could have the coffee on ready :) I supplied the vanilla syrup :)
One of the things we did at Vals was that she attempted to teach us to crochet! It turns out that we had been almost doing it right - thanks to the dvd that Rhona sents us, we had been on the right track - but I think we had been putting the hook in slightly the wrong place - in the v instead of the top of the stitch....BUT even though we kind of know how to do it now - both Abigail and I agree that crochet seems a bit fiddly! It seems to take forever! And until you get going - like REALLY going, it looks such a MESS!!! I think thats why I thought I was getting it wrong - because mine kept looking such a mess when I did that second row! It was just a blob!
I could have knitted 20 rows by the time you've just done a couple of crocheted rows! Or maybe I'm just not getting it! Val did show us a really fancy rosette type thing though that she crocheted - and she did help us a lot - but since we got home, Abigail has reverted to knitting - and using the crochet hooks to weave with!! they are handy for pulling the wool through the loom!
Sunday afternoon....
Family dinner for our birthdays. We wanted to go to East Side Marios as Susannah had never been there, but when we got there, we found it had been closed down - not sure if it is closed for renovations or closed entirely s the signs inside and out are GONE - just some interior and renovations signs outside and lots of fencing.....
Disappointed, and hungry, we headed to the closest place - Boston pizza.
Boston pizza have a fundraiser for Valentines Day - they have heart shaped pizzas as well as heart shaped cards you can drawer on for $1 and they put them up on the wall, so each of the kids had a heart to draw on:
Breakfast at Denny's....
Yesterday while Abby was at art class, I took my two middle boys to Denny's for brunch. I've never seen Sam eat so much! He finished off all of his own breakfast and then tucked in to the rest of Laurences and THEN he ate all of my toast...I was just telling the server that I was done and he grabbed the plate of toast that I hadn't touched and said "I'll have that"....the server laughed and said "Good on ya".....he ate it too! This is a boy who really doesn't eat much!!! I guess he was hungry!!!
Hangin' out.....
Laurence has been off school for the last couple of days....and his favourite hang-out when he is home, is the big comfy chair in my craft room! He says it's because the signal is good for facebook for his PSP, but I think it's cause he gets to chat with me ;)
Bargain of the week :)
I picked these little shelves up at Dollarama this week. They go sooooo well with my room and especially match my cupboard in my room. $2 each!!! Lloyd was really impressed with how sturdy they were - and he really does NOT like Dollarama lol!! :)
I just put these things on to take the pictures lol....haven't decided what to use them for yet :) but they're sweet little shelves. they have them in other colours too - I just wanted them to match my cupboard and room!
Random Dozen
1. Do you use the labels various charities send you as “free gifts?”
I don't remember getting any???? Maybe I support the wrong charities...but World Vision seems to send us seeds and we tend to get sent Christmas cards etc instead from other charities..... are labels a US thing?
2. What is your favorite time of day (or night) for skywatching?
sunset, but I also look out just before I go to sleep, to see if I can see the stars.
3. What is the most adventurous you've ever been with trying a new food?
I've tried snails and caviar. Since watching them being cooked (twice now) I would try prairie oysters if offered.
4. Have you ever heard a rock sing? (Trust me, there's a reason for this one!)
does whistling count??? they whistle in the heat of the fire...
5. If you could learn a language you don't presently speak, what would it be?
6. Al Capone's tombstone read, “My Jesus, Mercy.” If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say?
I wouldn't bother. I think it's all a waste of time and money. throw me on the bonfire and save the money. then use the money for a holiday/ party!!
7. If you were a famous musician who was known by one name, like “Cher,” “Sting,” or “Jewel,” what would it be? It doesn’t have to be your first name, but it can be, if you’d like.
8. Have you ever been inordinately “into” a television show?
Every September we buy Greys on dvd and watch about 3 episodes a night until we're through. Does that count? Apart from that we don't watch tv really. I guess I liked Brookside many years ago...or Grange Hill as a child - and Fame!!!
9. When you sneeze, do you go big, or do you do that weird “heenh!” sound that makes people think you’re going to blow your brains out? Any other variation we should know about?
I just sneeze....Lloyd sneezes about ten times and sounds like a motorbike lol!
10. Do you still read an actual newspaper that you hold in your hands, or do you get your news elsewhere?
I read the local free paper when I manage to pick one up. Otherwise I just watch the local news on tv.
11. Are you a good speller?
Mostly. Bad at typing though!
12. At what time each day do you start thinking about lunch?
Li'l tiger....
I could hear the cats playing on the stairs this morning so I went to check, and I found they had taken a new ball of wool from my bag downstairs....had undone it and managed to get it all up the stairs, into the girls bedroom and all back down the stairs....oh boy they were having fun! My lovely pink wool!
Sigh....I guess Kitty tired himself out ;)
Sam and Abigail still call him Boots, so he remains the cat with two names :)
What are you reading???
I am reading THIS and I agree that it's wonderful :) roll on bedtime when I can get lost amongst the pages again :)
Leave me a comment and let me know what YOU are reading!!!
Still knitting.....
I'm still knitting :) Susannah and Abigail have now started to knit too! We went and chose new wool on Saturday. I have two scarves in progress now - the pink one and the turquoise and lilac one - so I can have a change in colour when I feel like it ;)
Susannah is doing a darker scarf in shades of blues and lilacs and greens but dark. Abigails is yellows and golds.
Drinking glasses...
So behind...lots to post about...but i'll leave you with these for now.
drinking glasses with a difference ;)
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