Five questions...found on a blog...I copied and pasted it earlier and now I can't find the link :(
1. Crunchy or soft Taco's? We make both here and they are a favourite food of the kids....but I prefer crunchy....Sam likes crunchy although he tends to empty out the contents and eat that with a fork and leave the actual taco!! Abby loves soft...I think soft seems to be the most popular but I don't like soft....
2. Do you scrapbook? Well, I used to scrapbook a lot and I have filled well over 20 albums with 12" x 12" pages....I have given Lloyd all the pages that include him as well as many of the pages that I knew were his favourites...
I don't scrapbook at the moment, although I have thought about doing some in the past couple of weeks. In the last couple of years I have preferred to make mini albums, art journals etc...and collage on canvases....I'm sure I will return to scrapbooking at some point in the future. The children say they prefer my scrapbook pages and love to look at my albums. That encourages me to return to it - to create keepsakes for them. I know it's important for THEM.
3. Do you take daily medication? Yes, I take Topomax and Effexor for migraines, as well garlic capsules almost daily to keep away coughs and colds.
4. What is your favourite sound? I love sitting on the deck in the Summer listening to the breeze blowing through the leaves on the trees, all the different birds singing their tunes - my redwinged blackbirds, finches, chickadees, robins, woodpeckers, Jays, even the hum of my hummingbirds as they buzz by on their way to the feeders....the children laughing over by the swings....I love thunderstorms....I love the ocean....I love my childrens giggles....
5. Where were you born? Yeovil maternity hospital, in Somerset, England.
23 hours ago