So finally all the workmen have gone home! The trenching is complete and the gas line is up and running again :) Richard - our contractors gas man came back and finished off his part this afternoon.
Lloyd is now home and is pottering out in the garden - we are trying to decide where to put the new sandbox for the children. And when to uncover the strawberries - we keep sneaking peaks at them under their bedcover of straw. They look so cozy under their winter bedding. Its cold under there but they are growing beautifully under there and are all lovely and green still from last year :) No wonder they are called strawberries :) Amazing how they survive such cold temperatures here just under a layer of straw :) and then grow so well to give us such an amazing crop each year!
Our raspberries didn't fair so well - we moved our big bed of raspberries last year - was it Daniel or Oliver who helped move the raspberries? And they did well in the new place last year - but the moose have feasted on them this Winter! Oops! So they are a little stunted and only a few seem to be shooting up this Soring! So we are going to get a load more on Sunday! I think we will buy more rhubarb too - although we will also split the rhubarb we already have - but not until next year I think as we just don't have the garden ready to do it this year.
Laurie has a friend over to play. Susie has gone to her friends house to sleep over. Chris has gone to his friends house - may or may not be a sleep over.....depends if he can get a ride home in time in the mornings as we can't go and pick him up as its too far in the wrong direction as we have to be in Spruce Grive by 9am to PICK UP MY BEES!!!
So tonight is a quiet evening :)
more gardening, last minute preps for my bees - like putting some more beeswax on the frames and preparing the sugar syrup ready to go. Checking my list of things I need to get at the store....making sure I have everything ready and set up to get the bees in the hive.
Lloyd is about to plane off my entrance reducer because the stupid thing doesn't fit! Yep we leave things to the last minute!!! We have to bang the nails in the entrance feeder too (ie the jam jar lid lol!)
Have a great Friday night everyone - and a wonderful weekend - Happy Mothers Day to everyone on Sunday and enjoy the lovely weather :) It's so nice to have all this sunshine!
5 hours ago