bee: buzz buzz buzz
butterfly: will you stop buzzing around!!! I have a headache!
bee: I'm sorry - how come you have a headache? All you have to do is flit about looking pretty all day. Some of us actually have jobs you know!!!
butterfly? Jobs - what job do you do??
bee: I'm a worker bee. I collect pollen - I fly from flower to flower collecting pollen to take back to my Queen. I am also responsible for pollenating all the flowers here. Flowers......I might add..... that wouldn't be beautiful and plentiful for YOU if it weren't for me and my colleagues!!! buzz buzz BUZZ!
butterfly: huh! you think thats hard work? All you have to do is fly about collecting dust all day and you expect me to feel sorry for YOU???? Have you any idea what I have just been through??? Have you?? huh??? I will have you know that just a few days ago I was a happy wriggly caterpillar, wriggling about on the big old cabbage leaves across the yard, eating whenever I liked, sleeping and just happily WRIGGLING!!! but then I got so sleepy and tired from all that wriggling so I made myself the cosiest snuggliest cocoon bed. I took a nice little nap and dreamt of waking up with energy to wrigggle further up that cabbage leaf. BUt I didn't wake up like that at all and now I have such a headache!
bee: so what happened??? buzz buzz I love a good mystery buzz.
butterfly *sob sob* It was dark when I woke up and my cosy cocoon was all hard and crispy and not soft at all. And I felt...
bee: what what?????
butterfly: I felt different!
bee: *rolls eyes* is this story going anywhere??????? I've got nectar to pro....
butterfly interupts: I was DIFFERENT!!! Honest!! I went to sleep all wriggly and when I woke up it wasn't the same. I was stuck in this crispy bed ........THING!!! I stretched and I streched and finally it started to break open and I used all my strength - all the strength I could muster to heave myself out of that horrid hard crusty thing. And when I was out I was exhausted and I had this terrible pounding in my head. And then I streched out and realised all my wriggly bits were gne and I had these huge.........THINGS on my back. So I stretched them out to get a better look....and and and .......you know what????
bee: what???
butterfly: the wind lifetd me up and I was flying!!! Do you know how scary that is when you've never done that before???
bee: I remember!!
butterfly: well bees are supposed to fly but caterpillars??? Caterpillars wriggle. they don't fly. And now I'm here and I can fly and I want to wriggle up the cabbage leaf but I can't any more and I just don't know what to do and and and
bee: will ya calm down!!!
butterfly: I'm a butterfly - what am I supposed to do??? I don't know what butterflies do and it's hurting my head to think all of this n one day ..... I just can't deal with all this stress. What should I do?
bee: I'll tell ya what! Why not do what I do???
butterfly: collect pollen for the queen??
bee: Uh no - I don't think they'd let you in the hive with those big 'things' on your back. They're a bit bigger than ours. But why not carry pollen from flower to flower. Seems like that could be the job for you!
butterfly: really? You think I could??
bee: sure and you have the benefit of being pretty with those big things on your back!
butterfly: really? you think I'm pretty? oh geeeeeeeeeeee
bee: so the big ones won't try to squash you. You know you have to watch out for the big ones!
butterfly: the big ones?
bee: yeah - you know - they're huge. They have two legs they stand and then two leg things that wave about and pick things up. They live in the houses. They hate bees. They steal the queens honey and they try to kill us all. But they won't kill you - they'll like you. Try it.
butterfly: Ok bee thanks I will. I'll carry pollen! I'll make the flowers pretty and make them grow and I'll watch out for the big ones and .......oh gosh it's tiring just thinking about it all!! I think I'll sit here just a little longer and have a rest first.
bee: *rolls eyes again* ok butterfly - you rest there. Some of us have work to do. buzz buzz buzz
By Jane