So I didn't get my sewing machine out today....maybe at the weekend - not sure it will be safe with so many kids here tomorrow!
Chris ended up staying home today, so after dropping the others at the party, I came home and we went out for lunch! We then went to buy snow boots for Chris (none in his size) and then we came home - planned his movie for tomorrow - he's doing a French movie that is based around a fashion he's using my studio camera and the dress up box and they are going to have a Paris fashion tonight he's watching The Devil Wears Prada for inspiration!!
Lauries friends can't sleep over now - so he is going to invite another friend over instead....Chris has the movie people coming in the afternoon and then he's having a games night all we went and grabbed some snack foods etc for tomorrow for that - and Lloyd WAS going out for dinner with his friend but thats cancelled so instead (as the temp is supposed to be good) we are going to have a fire outside and the kids can all cook sausages and have hot dogs and smores etc and sled in the fun fun :)
Saturday we have to go to DIY kitchens to choose our kitchen cupboards.....
23 hours ago