Monica tagged me WEEKS ago and I wrote this out weeks ago too but in my notebook! I just forgot to add it here :)
So here you go :)
7 more weird and wonderful things about little old me :)
1. I love 'Mom pants' - as in high rise jeans. I know they aren't in style really and you shouldn't wear them and really you should wear low hung jeans that come to the belly button or slightly below but to be honest I HATE those and when I wear them I am constantly trying t pull them up! I LOVE high waisted jeans but they are so hard to find but Reitmans do them in petite too :) so I almost ONLY buy my jeans there now - in their BASIC FIT and I love them because I don't spend my life tugging up my waist band and I don't feel like my underwear is constantly on show and I don't have my flesh hanging out for all to see when I bend over or stretch up - I'm sorry but low rise jeans are NOT flattering for over thirties and they are NOT comfortable. I don't care what you say!
2. Although I wear high rise jeans, I only wear thong underwear during the day - I do not go out in anything else. I can not bear to see knicker/ underwear lines on people. I think it looks awful. And no I don't find it uncomfortable (most of the time at least. Occasionally it drives me nuts but most days I don't notice it. Thong underwear under low rise jeans is awful - but then again seeing any underwear under low rise jeans is awful - I really don't like low rise jeans - unless you are VERY skinny low rise jeans look terrible!
3. I shave my legs EVERY day. For me. No other reason. I LOVE the feeling of just shaved legs. I hate the feeling of stubble or hairy legs so I shave every day all year round. I can't imagine not shaving my legs for days on end and being that hairy. YUCK :(
4. ON the subject of hairiness, I can't stand hairy men. Eeeeeeew!!!!! I just am sooooo NOT attracted to hairy men at all. I can't stand hairy chests - or beards or moustaches, arms or hands....YUCK!!!! Can't deal with any of that! And hairy backs!!! EWWWWWW!!!
NO THANK YOU!!!!! My first husband was not hairy at all thankfully and then quite by chance Lloyd wasn't either PHEW! how lucky that was because I don't even remember asking him if he was or not!
5. I hate the protective covers that come on books. I have to remove them and I often throw them away. I know thats the wrong thing to do but I just don't like them! I know they are there to protect the book but they annoy me.
6. As soon as I get a new magazine I turn to the back page and I flick through it from back to front. I tend to read all my magazines from back to front first just flicking through and reading little bits and then I will read through it properly from cover to cover from the front to back. Then I decide if it is worth keeping or not and if not it goes in a bag ready to pass along to a friend.
7. None of my drawers and cupboards contain what you think they will contain. None of my kitchen cupboards contain kitchen things - they all contain kids craft supplies. All my bedroom drawers are filled with ringbound notebooks and craft supplies for me and the rest are filled with business papers for Lloyd or rtactor/ boat/ dirtbike brochures (lol guy stuff) but nothing bedroomy! I don't really have anything kitcheny in my kitchen or bedroomy in my bedroomy and I often wonder what other people keep in their bedrooms! lol!
Ok thats me done :)
5 hours ago