It reached 14c today and the snow is melting FAST - leaving the most wonderful, HUGE puddles for Sam and Abigail to play in! Lloyd worked on clearing out the workshop for a while today - we had a look at the bees (doing well - excited about getting them out soon) and I cleared up some more of the yard after the dogs - I will do some each day as the snow clears. The dog run is clearing nicely and the dogs should be able to go in there as of this weekend!
Lloyd cleared off the sandbox for Sam and he has enjoyed playing in there a bit - we borrowed a great book from the mobile Library last week - a counting book about trucks and at the end of the book the trucks aren't actually huge trucks at all, but tiny trucks in a sandbox!! It had Sam so excited to get in to his own sandbox!! Great timing!!
I wasn't thrilled with my book choices so I think I will take mine back tomorrow night when we go and swap them for some others. I do like going to the book mobile! I think we're really lucky that it comes to our community hall each week :)
Today was so nice - I love it when Lloyd stays home! And the weather was sooooo great! It was the kind of day that fills me with hope and plans for the Summer! It makes me excited for picnics (lol reminds me of Rhonda's Daughter!!) and trips to the park and the lake and just sitting outside watching the hummingbirds and listening to the frogs. Late evenings at Elk Island Park until the stars are out. Swimming at the outdoor pool. Festivals in Edmonton. Splashparks. S'mores by the firepit......
Only a three day week for Lloyd though as he is off Friday and next week a four day week as he will be off on Monday so I guess thats not too bad :) I'll survive :)
Lloyd has gone to see the people about the sound system for the theatre room in the basement now - they have to come out and do the pre-work before it gets dry walled as the dry waller is coming tonight to meet with us. We haven't seen him for ages so it will be nice to see him again!
I have to run and get Laurie from school as he has stayed late for his drama club.