Are you still able to drive up our driveway????? It is easy to get stuck on it when the snow falls.......THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MANAGING TO GET THERE TO FEED CHARLIE AND EVERYONE!
I can't believe we will be returning to MORE snow and all that depressing........Lloyd is looking at houses and contracts in Charlotte North Carolina........we don't want the cold and snow any more :(
Its going to be 75 or higher here today.....not sure what that is in Celcius though.......I don't want to go home :( it's been such a good holiday......
I'm so sad its almost over......
Cheryl those roads sound BAD!!! Take care! And how come you know whats in my knicker drawer and I don't???????Actually there aren't really any knickers in there atm as I have them all with me lol...any that are in there are old nasty ones lol!!
Have a great day everyone.....take care ono those icy roads! Roll on Spring....I will try to bring some warm sunshine back with me in my case!
5 days ago