As a family, we sponsor a little girl in Peru. Then, as a company, we sponsor a little girl in Mali, Africa. Christmas 2007 we let Lloyds team choose the child - the age, the country etc etc and as their gift for Christmas that year we sponsored this child through World Vision. They are all able to write to the family etc and stay in touch through all the letters etc but I make sure to write regularly and send gifts etc just in case the team is too busy.
For Christmas 2008 instead of buying the team gifts, we let them vote on which animals to send to the sponsor childs family through World Vision. They voted and chose goats. So we sent the value of goats and some extra (to cover gifts to the childrens teachers as well) to the sponsored family. We received a thank you from World Vision and were told that we would receive news of how the money was spent along with pictures in the near future! I was excited as I LOVE to hear from our sponsored families!!
Yesterday we received a letter from our family in Mali and it made me cry! You can read it above! I've deleted a few personal parts and identifying parts, but really its all there, and it's just amazing to read how little can change so much for someone!! :)
If you have EVER thought of giving this kind of gift then please DO!!! It really does touch the heart!! :) and the idea that this little girl is going to school for two years at least - all fees paid by US.....and wearing new shoes.....and they had a feast just simply because of a gift our company gave.....instead of gift certificates or boxes of chocolates or something possibly unwanted or unused or regifted.....well I can't think of a better gift to give any more :)
We also had another letter from our little girl in Peru last week - this time it was written by her Dad :) So nice to hear their news :) I have a new package to send off to them soon - it's lovely to see her drawings changing as she gets older! Growing up so fast!