5 hours ago
May 9, 2012
1. What's a pet peeve you have when vacationing?
It depends where I am. In vegas I didn't like the crowds and everyone pushing and being rude and no one says 'excuse me'. But when we go to Canmore I'm not sure I have any pet peeves - oh having the hot tubs crowded isn't good - I like it when I get it to myself and can enjoy the quiet and don't feel like I have to talk to anyone!
2. Are you a light packer or do you need everything in your closet plus the kitchen sink?
I'm a light packer I think. I don't pack many clothes or shoes etc - but I always take art supplies and journal etc etc.
3. What's the best lesson a child ever taught you?
Abigail (and Sam too in many ways) have taught me patience and acceptance for their needs because of Tourettes and ADHD. All my children have taught me forgiveness and how to be a better Mom.
4. Share one piece of advice you'd give a recent graduate as they attempt to enter the job market?
Life is short and you will blink and be in your 40's - a job is something you have to do on an almost daily basis - so always do something that satisfies you, that you enjoy and follow your passion - so you are happy to go to work each day! If you don't enjoy your job then change it. And work shouldn't be the main part of your life - it should just enable you to enjoy life more!
5. What's your favorite lemon something?
I like lemon candies.....lemon suckers, and lemon squares :)
6. Flat sandal, wedge, heel...your favorite footwear?
I like to have a bit of a heel because I am so small - but comfort is more important!
7. What do you like best about a beach holiday? If you're not a beach lover (GASP!!) what do you dislike the least?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am excited about our road trip this summer :) Camping and seeing new places!! It is going to be great fun!!!
Snapshots of my gorgeous girl:
And we are still having our daily smoothies which are fantastic - yesterdays had mango, strawberries, spinach, banana....flax, protein powder...totally yummy! So good for you!! :)
The girls are getting excellent at making them and whiz them up daily - I love that they are getting so much milk and fruit into their systems - so good for them!!! I hope this stays with them for life so they always eat healthily!!
Trip to the zoo....
Yesterday we went to the zoo to see all the new developments there - they are transforming the zoo over the next couple of years and it has been nice to see what has been added over the last couple of years too.
I was very impressed with what they had added so far - and am excited to see how things look when it is all finished - it really did need to be updated as the cages in the old section are awful!
One of the new things they have is a play area near the arctic zone - and it is full of bones that are chairs as well as bones to climb and play on!
They now have pelicans in what used to be the sealion pool:
The boating pond was empty when we arrived - but as we left we saw that they had started to fill it ready for the summer season which starts this coming weekend.
This Barred Owl was so sweet - it only has one eye but was still so beautiful:
It was 25c yesterday - first hot day of the year and was just gorgeous:
We all fell in love with this cute Desert Fox who was curled up asleep for a while and then woke up and wriggled about in his bed:
The new seal and sealion pool is wonderful!!!
The children had fun exploring the new areas:
The concessions were not open yet, so we had lunch inside from the vending machines:
This arctic fox was very sweet - it will be moving in to the arctic zone soon:
Prairie Dogs are sooooo cute:
It was a lovely afternoon walking around the zoo and seeing the changes.
We had fun!!
29 Faces in May challenge
Two more faces that I have done in my journal the last couple of days - as part of the 29 Faces in May Challenge!!!
Hump day morning....
Our Wednesday morning has been spent pootling about at home - we watched the video that the children made at their video/ audio class at the City Arts Centre - they were fabulous!! What a great class for them!!
Sam played with the lego he bought yesterday - an army tank and an army helicopter. He painted the guns in camo green to match his tank too.
Abigail watched some Greys Anatomy - and then she did science fro her workbook - today was about Photosynthesis as well as how Dandelions change so much from flower to seed head - and why.
Sam did math. He got everything he did right - it's just revision of the work he has done this year - addition and subtraction - but it's good for him to repeat this and check he has it understood really well.
I did my face for the 29 Faces in May challenge. I also finished off the journal page that I started in my evening class last night - based on song lyrics!
Now lunch and then we are reading more of our book together.
Tonight the littles go to their Dads again as I am taking them to see a friend in a play tomorrow night - so we swapped nights. Susannah and I are going to the library and for a run somewhere.
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