What books and/or magazines did I read this month? I took a month off of reading books and just read magazines..a LOT of magazines :) All kinds of artsy fartsy and scrapbooking/ crafty magazines as well as womens/ Fall magazines!! A running magazine too....I've picked up the last of the Twilight books in the last few days too and have decided to finally finish it!! It's been a year but I WILL finally finish it!!! After watching the movie last year I was so disgusted that I put the book away and didn't finish it! But now I think I am ready to finish it!!!
What movies, television shows, plays, etc. did I watch this month? "Sunshine Cleaning". "Knowing". "Crossing Over". All of them were really good movies!!!
What fun things did I do with my family and/or friends? Geocaching!!! Our new hobby! An overnight scrapbooking retreat with Val and friends :) Mudbog race watching at Rimbey - we went to watch Tamie!!! Camping out in the front yard!!! The outdoor pool, splashpark, playgrounds, lake...in fact it was a continuation of our Summer!!!
What gifts did I give and/ or receive? BOB (sorry can't tell you what that is but the initials stand for something hahahaha) I also got Season 5 of Greys Anatomy on dvd. I gave a few gifts too but prefer to keep those to myself as I don't like to go on about what I give....I was involved in something very special that is happening though that I am a little proud of :)
What special or unusual purchases did I make? I spent enough at Stupidstore to get my free crockpot which I HEART!!!! I also got a free dvd player there!!!
What illnesses or health concerns did I have? Horrible ear ache and sore throat/ painful glands/ lymph nodes in my neck.
What were my accomplishments this month? I attended my very first board meeting as a director!!! OMG that sounds so important hahahahaha!!! I took part in my second online workshop by Kara Haupt - 'Fall in Love'. I taught my first class at the homeschool club at the library - my first class in YEARS!!! It's been a LONG time! I used to teach classes and workshops all the time but I haven't done that in YEARS!!!
What were my disappointments this month? private and personal stuff. My friend Lori's aneurysm - I'm so sad about that - it isn't so much of a disappointment as a deep sadness.
Anything else noteworthy to include? I had expected September to be slower and quieter than the Summer - once the children went back to school I thought we would get into a nice quiet routine. That didn't happen! The hot weather continued, and with it so did our busy lifestyle. We made the most of the good weather and were outside at the lake, the pool, the splashpark......the playgrounds!!! We have really enjoyed the long Summer and the gorgeous weather!!!
23 hours ago