(click on the pics to see in better detail)
We received two letters from Malle, the little girl we sponsor in Mali, recently...one is from her directly - written by her volunteer worker, and the other comes from World Vision letting us know that the Christmas money we sent her was received. Lloyds team at work wanted to purchase goats for Malle and her community but it turns out that you can't actually choose specific animals for a specific community but you can donate the cost of specific animals and then let that community decide which animals will work best for them....
So now we will wait to hear which animals they chose and then they will send us a picture of them with the animal/s they chose!! Malle lives on a farm where they grow, amongst other things, peanuts!!! And her village is sure to need animals of some kind, so it will be interesting to know what they pick!
We also sent Malle, and Margori (the little girl in Peru that we sponsor) a package each for Christmas with all kinds of stickers, bookmarks, ribbons and Disney Princess socks etc etc in it and its lovely to know that the packages arrived safely :)
I really enjoy sponsoring children through World Vision :) Malle is Muslim and although World Vision is a Christian organisation, they do NOT push their beliefs on the community and they ask the sponsors not to either - I really like this about World Vision!!!