May 31, 2007

Slip-sliding away!!!

The children had so much fun on the slip and slide this afternoon........

Oh and the top picture - the one of Laurence splashing.....he went so fast that he flew off the end of the slip and slide and SOAKED me and the camera lol! Too funny!!!

The Hummingbirds are back!!!!!!

Susannah spotted a Hummingbird at the feeder by the kitchen window this evening!!! They're back in town...

The birds are back in town...the birds are back in to-ow-ow-ow-own!!!! :)

I am so happy! And my Mum will get to see them as they are here earlier than last year!

So we have three feeders this year - be prepared for LOTS of Hummingbird pictures over the coming weeks :)

AND our Mallards are still on the pond...we have a pair who seem to have made it their home and are settling down to have lots of lovely ducklings for us :) Keep your fingers crossed for us please :)

Today I bought a magazine called 'Birds and Blooms' which is a special issue about Hummingbirds and the plants good for attracting them......and it even has an article on how to get them to feed from your hand!

My little friends are back and its not even June......that means we get at least 8 weeks with them this year :)

Filling the pool......

Lloyd stopped off and got a better pool on the way home - big enough for the older children to play in as well as the little ones......Sam had great fun filling it up today! He doesn't seem to care that the water coming out of the well is FREEZING!!!!


Check out the forecast for the next 5 days :) 28c and 29c every day :)

I hope we get some cool storms in the evening though :)

Oh and we have learned to ignore the 14 day forecast as that seems to change a few times a day drastically!!!

Have to rave about this product!

We needed new sun screen for the kids so I decided to splurge and pay extra for the continuous spray one from Coppertone.....I've never used this before but it is sooooo great - so easy to mess, no fuss and even easy to get on a wriggly 2 year old! And the lid swivels to cover up the spray hole when not in use which is great - no lid to lose!!! :)

Abigail on the bleachers......

Seeing Abby on the bleachers cheering on the runners made me wonder what she will be like when she is in high school...possibly sat on these very same bleachers....surrounded by boys maybe? Friends? hopefully! There wree a lot of high school kids sat around enjoying their lunch today......

Abigail forgot her hat.....we thought we had it in the bag but it was no where to be found! She had it at preschool on Tuesday so now where????? So we picked her up a new one when we were at Zellers...

Sam in the sun......

Knights of Columbus...

We threw a picnic together late last night and today headed off to Strathcona Athletic Park to watch Laurie compete in the Knights of Columbus Track Meet......Laurie ran in the 200 metres, 50 metres and the relay.....

We sat in the bleachers and watched a lot of tha races...Sam and Abby played on the bleachers with the little toys we brought...then after one of his races, Laurie joined us for something to it was so hot and gorgeous out the water melon was the biggest hit!

Laurie didn't win his races but I admire him for running so well in this heat!


Hi Olly!!! The children finish school at the end of June...just a few days after you arrive :) Then they are off for summer until the beginning of September.....

We are all excited to see you in just a few weeks :)


Its Thursday...its going to be 28c today woohoo! 22 by midday and 28 by the drive home.....we are having a picnic in town today at the athletic park - going to watch Laurie in his track meet.....he is in 3 races against kids from other schools in a the Knights of Columbus challenge.

I didn't have to work preschool today after all which is ideal - so I am giving Abby the day off to come with us and then we don't have to rush back to pick her up.....

I need to run to Zellers and get a gift for Abby to take to a birthday party Saturday.....I also need to get Sam some Summer shoes and a paddling pool which I still haven't got - and a pump tp pump it up with! And milk! We are out of milk.....

Tonight I may have to go to the medi-centre (like a drop-in doctors clinic)...I hurt my foot Sunday and it isn't getting better and I have missed 4 runs.....and this morning when I wiggle my toes it feels like the bones in the top of my foot are rubbing weird....if I go, I will take a book to read as the wait may be long!

Have a great day everyone!
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