Thanks to Colleen, I've felt encouraged to reduce our plastic consumption even more this September. I did well last year - reducing the number of plastic bags coming in to the house - and I now use reusable bags as often as possible (although lately have been TERRIBLE for forgetting them and so have brought so many home again)!!
Today I bought myself a new water bottle. I am really the only person in the house who has demanded bottled water - I am a little fussy over my water and can't drink it if it has been opened for a while, can only drink room temp water, etc etc.....and I get through a LOT....our main recycling is water bottles!! So I decided to get a bottle and try drinking from the distiller - so far I have to admit that I don't like the taste of the water OR the bottle.....lol BUT I will get used to t - even if it means adding a little crystal light and reducing it bit by bit until I am drinking just water again.
I like that already today I have saved several bottles going into our recycling! The bottle is very pretty too! ;)