4 hours ago
Mar 17, 2013
120 questions.....
1: Who did you last say "I love you" to? Sam
2: Do you regret it? Of course not!!!
3: Have you ever been depressed? Yes but it doesn't last long.
4: Do you like dinosaurs? Yes - especially the museum in Drumheller
5: Are you insecure? Not really - I have my moments.
6: What is your relationship status? Single - happily single.
7: How do you want to die? gently.
8: What did you last eat? 5 Skittles at 3am when I let Rosie out to pee.
9: Have you played any sports? tennis, badminton, running, netball.
10: Do you have an attitude? I can have - as can everyone. Mainly my attitude is positive.
11: Do you like someone? Yes :( Same guy I've loved since I was 16. He doesn't even know.
12: What is your real name? Jane
13: Have you ever read a book? ??? many many many....
14: Do you hate anyone at the moment? No - disappointed by many, but don't hate anyone.
15: Do you miss someone? My oldest son.
16: Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl.
17: Do you tan a lot? over the summer? yes, even though I know I shouldn't.
18: Have any pets? dog, cat, 3 fish and several sea monkeys.
19: How exactly are you feeling? I'm ok - tired - disturbed night. Not bad considering lol.
20: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving: yes. odd question lol.
21: Good driver? I'm an ok driver. I like driving - especially long trips.
22: Are you scared of spiders? yes.
23: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? yes.
24: Do you regret anything from your past? a few things but you live and learn :)
25: What are your plans for this weekend? Spring cleaned Sams toys. Celebrate St Patricks Day.
26: Do you want to have kid? I'd love another.
27: Do you type fast? reasonably.
28: Do you have piercings? one in each ear.
29: Want anymore? not really.
30: Can you spell well? yes.
31: Do you miss anyone from your past? Many people.
32: What are you craving right now? One of Sharons scones.
33: Ever been to a bonfire party? many.
34: Ever had a silly band? no but the kids have. I threw tons out yesterday.
35: Have you ever been on a horse? yes.
36: Have you ever broken someones heart? yes.
37: Have you ever been cheated on? I think so.
38: Are you thinking of someone right now? yes. had a dream about R last night...again...sigh
39: Would you live with someone without marrying them? yes.
40: What should you be doing? showering and getting ready to go out.
41: Whats irritating you right now? That the kids haven't checked the Leprechaun trap lol
42: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? yes.
43: Does somebody love you? yes :)
44: What is your favorite color? turquoise and emerald green.
45: Have you ever changed clothes in a car? yes
46: Milk chocolate or white chocolate? any
47: Do you have trust issues? no not really.
48: Best friends name? I have a group of close friends - not a best friend.
49: 2nd best friends name?
50: 3rd best friends name?
51: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my kids - tears of happiness when the 'elf' came :)
52: Do you give out second chances too easily? no.
53: Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive
54: What was your childhood nickname? pint size or Jane the Pain from 8 Font Lane. lol
55: Favorite food? roast potatoes in gravy.
60: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?? absolutely.
61: Did you have dream last night? Yes. About R. I told him he smelled good :)
62: Have you ever been out of state? yes
63: Do you play the wii? no
64: Are you listening to music right now? no
65: Do you like chinese food? yes
66: Who are you texting right now? no one..
67: Are you afraid of the dark? no
68: Is cheating ever okay? no
69: Are you mean? I used to be. Not any more.
70: Can you keep white shoes clean? probably not.
71: What year has been your best? 2011 was pretty good.
72: Do you believe in true love? yes.
73: Favorite weather? hot sunshine all day with a big storm in the evening.
74: Do you like the snow? yes
75: Does it snow a lot where you live? yes
76: Do you like the outside? yes
77: Do you wanna get married? probably not no.
78: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? annoying and patronising.
79: Are you hungry? no
80: What makes you happy? many many things. Especially making fun memories with my children.
81: Would you change your name? no.
82: Ever been to Alaska? no
83: Ever been to Hawaii? no
84: Do you watch the news? no
85: What's your zodiac sign? Aquarius
86: Do you like subway? Not really.
87: Do you talk like your friends? no. English accent - plus I like to be myself.
88: Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yes
89: Do you have a friend of the opposite gender who you can act your complete self around? yes.
100: Who was the last person of the opposite gender you talked to? Sam and Laurence this morning.
101: Do you feel good? pretty much yes.
102: Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Sharon maybe...
103: Can you count to one million? yes but it would be boring.
104: Are your finger nails painted at the moment? no.
105: Favorite number? 21
106: If you could pick two people your own age or younger to be stuck on a stranded island with, who would it be? Laurence and Susannah.
107: Are you a hunter? no
108: Tall or short? I'm short but I like tall men :)
109: Favorite subject in school? English.
110: What 5 people do you trust the most? Laurence, Susannah...and a few friends - but won't say which.
111: Who do you think has amazing hair? Susannah.
112: Parents divorced? no
113: What city do you live in? Edmonton
114: Where were you born? Yeovil
115: Recliner or couch? depends what I'm doing.
116: What two people do you miss talking to? Lianne, R.
117: Who will you be with this weekend? Mainly Sam and Abby.
118: City or country? either.
119: Water or soda? either.
120: Was this a waste of my time? no - I chose to do it lol :)
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