Susannah and Laurence don't have school today and tomorrow, so we took Sam to Pre-K this afternoon and then headed to the swimming pool for a couple of hours. That was fun! Now I am sat here having a quiet cup, waiting for Lloyd to come home - he is on his way - and then he and I are heading into town for our date night.
The sun is getting lower in the sky, but its been a gorgeous day. I'm not sure what the temperature was, but it felt warm walking out of Millennium Place this afternoon and we didn't need our coats! So nice and Spring-like! Oh how I wish this was IT!
Lloyd and I are running to the scrapbook store for a few last minute supplies - tomorrow I am going on a scrapbooking retreat with Val - an all-night scrapbooking crop! Yes, I sleep over there! Well, maybe not even sleep!!! hahahaha maybe just scrapbook ALL night!!!! Its in the guest house of a friend of Vals out by Elk Island Park and there will be a few of us there and then more people joining us on Saturday! we are split in to teams and some are making supper on Friday, Val and I are making breakfast on Saturday and then some are making lunch on Saturday!! Child free uninterrupted scrapbooking time!!!
So I am off to get more supplies :)
Then we are going to our Indian restaurant for dinner and then to get the supplies I need to help make breakfast on Saturday and a few snacks etc I need for the retreat too :)
then home to watch a couple more episodes of Greys Anatomy season 4 that we are watching on dvd (please no spoilers). Tanya has been nagging me to get caught up, so we gave in and bought season 4 last week and have been watching on average 2 episodes a night for the last week! I really look forward to curling up with Lloyd every evening to watch but have to say I spend every episode in tears - its such a sad series this time!
Ok I have to start dinner so Chris can serve it up once we leave!
Chat later!
21 hours ago