I am loving this week...we haven't been far from home and it has been really nice to catch our breath after such busy weeks......
Today the kids each had a go at archaeology....they set up a 'dig' at the dining table and had to try and find the buried Mummies in the pyramids and Ancient Egyptian coffins...they ahd great fun.....the kits came with little mallets and brushes and tools......and the mummies were tiny in the sandy items.....it was quite hard work!!!!
The pictures above are of my little archaeologists.
What else did we do today???? I took Susie shopping to get some candy for everyone,. the local paper and some fudge (mmmmmm) and Laurie spent much of the day building with Lego......
I have managed to get several penpals for the children...Susie has been writing to R in England for the last year and the boys have been asking for ages for penpals so we finally got organized...so what with that and the postcard exchange we are taking part in, we should get lots of mail.....Laurie's penpal is in Florida!!!!
The boys are playing Risk tonight........Susannah was playing until I accidentally scared her by showing her a mentoes and diet coke video......we all thought it was hilarious except Susie :( Oops!!!
Amber was chasing a coyote across the field earlier....Rosie just sat and watched...it wasn't long before Amber was back and the coyote was at the top of the field just watching.....
We designed some notebook pages with pictures of butterflies and also some Leonardo deVinci....and The Cutty Sark....you can design quite a few with all kinds of images......at www.notebooking.org
Today I am grateful for:
1. Hersheys chocolate ;) although Sam stole most of it and Laurie seemed help himself to a lot too!!!
2. Lloyds many MANY phone calls today...after a horrid dream about him last night I really needed those calls!
3. That Lloyd overslept this morning and then had coffee with me in bed before he left for work :) a great way to start the day :)
4. Someone left a comment in my blog!!! Even if Blogger won't let me reply to it!!!! (Thanks T!!!)
5. The fun we all had finding our Mummies today :)
6. Hugs and tickles and fun with Sam...cheeky little thing :)
7. dishwashers - just can't imagine life without it!!
8. heating.....we cranked it up today as I was cold...so nice to have such great heat at the flick of a switch!