I'm tired!
The salmon is on the bbq, along with asparagus and some new potatoes smashed up a little with some paprika sprinkled on them done in a little olive oil.
I've finished the new grass seeding down by the apple tree - I've watered and raked it in. Another week or two and it should start coming through :)
The gas guy is still here!! The soil delivery guy brought the last truck load at 3:30pm!!!! So they have been here all day!!
I took Abigail to drama class and then Sam and I went to get some groceries. I don't get groceries on my own very often - it's something Lloyd and I normally do together. I went to get Sugar (for my bees and my Humming birds - and wouldn't you believe that the one thing I came home without was...........SUGAR!!!!!!! So tomorrow when Sam goes to preschool I will have to run to Costco and get sugar! Which kind of works out fine because Costco sells huge bags and today I was in Safeway which isn't so ideal.
Anyway I did manage to pick myself up two gorgeous new magazines (Oh, wait! three if you count my new wonderful issue of Avenue magazine which I LOVE)
After that I raced back to pick Abigail up and meet my friend Jennifer as we had arranged to head to the park for a while. So we all headed over to the playground to enjoy the gorgeous weather (19c today I think!) and the children played on the swings and climbing frame etc while Jennifer and I chatted and caught up on things - she was telling me how lambing season had gone and what the plans were for the homeschool group this Friday (Medieval Day). Abigail had a blast playing with Jennifers crew.
We said our goodbyes and I headed off to the post office - I love that our Sobeys now has a post office - makes life much easier - although perhaps not with Sam when he is full of energy! I had so many letters to be sent by air mail that it took so long and Sam was not in the mood to wait!
We finally headed home and I checked mail to find my order had arrived from Scrappers Haven (their closing Down sale - wow Donna always gets her orders sent off so fast!! I love everything I ordered - can't wait to use it all! I plan to order more before they close!
Got home and started cleaning out my truck and then Lloyd got home!
Then I did the flower bed down by the apple tree - filled it with the new soil and put down grass seed, raked it in and watered it, added the tubs and and filled them ready for the new flowers :)
Now for dinner :) After dinner I am vacuuming out my truck :)
3 hours ago