Nov 15, 2011

Current book

We are currently reading Roald Dahl's 'The Witches', which we are really enjoying.  It's a nice quick read.  We're trying to decide who we know in our lives who could be a witch.  :) If my children try and pull your hair, you'll know why ;)

Homeschool group - music class.....

Todays homeschool group was a music session.  Everyone got to try different instruments and we all tried out different rhythms and sounds with them as well as rhythms using our bodies (stomping, clicking, clucking, clapping, tapping, rubbing hands together etc etc)  

We sang songs in English and French and sang songs in 'rounds' as well as action songs.

It was a really good session!!  

In January we have a man coming to teach a session on drumming.  
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