Hhhmmmm it's just a few days to go now until Christmas day. Are you all set? All prepared? What are you up to today? Over the next few days?
Dana was telling me yesterday that the Polish tradition is to celebrate on Christmas Eve, and so they are having a big meal with 12 courses (no meat) on Christmas Eve, and then they will open gifts....of course Susannah and her friends were all complaining to Dana's Son that it wasn't fair that he gets to open all his gifts so soon and they have to wait hahahaha! It's so nice to hear how others spend the next few days :)
Today we are heading over to my wonderful friend Vals house.....for some lunch, to decorate ornaments and maybe a game or two (I'm bringing a game!!)
Then home to relax for the evening - the movie that we were going to flop in front of last night - but I ended up spending the night chatting with Samantha :)
Lloyd is out for the evening with IBM, so I will watch a movie with the kids and eat junk (lol) while he has his Christmas night out! I am soooo tired that I hope Val won't mind if I take a nap on her sofa.....you won't mind will you Val????
Apologies to anyone who has Emailed me in the last few days - I have not had ANY Emails since Sunday. I don't even know if I can send Emails. They are trying to figure out the problem :( So if you need to get in touch text me or leave me a comment here instead - I just won't publish it ;)
7 hours ago